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Ember had witnessed a lot in one day. All she wanted was some peace and quiet, so she goes to sit out on the porch. Her favorite spot. There is too many people in the house, Rick and his wife, two members of his group T-Dog and Glenn had came, and also the Greene family. Ember just needed some silence in this moment.

"Ah nice a quiet." Ember says smiling, there was a moment of silence before Rick's wife Lori came out, Rick following behind.
Ember calms herself down so she doesn't mentally go crazy.

"Maybe this isn't a world for children anymore." Lori says to Rick.

How dare they just barge into her peace zone?

"Yeah well, we have a child." Rick says, "Carl is here in this world now."

"Maybe he shouldn't be. Maybe this is how it's supposed to be."

"You can't mean that." Ember felt bad for listening to their conversation, but they did come out here, where she was sitting.

"Why do we want Carl to live in this world? To have this life? So we can see more people torn apart in front of him, so he can be hungry and scared for however long he has before he.. so he can run and run and run and run and then even if he survives he ends up-- he ends up just another animal who doesn't know anything except survival. If he-- if he dies tonight,  it ends for him. tell me why it would be better another way" Ember could not believe what this woman was saying, did she really want to just give up on her son have a chance of surviving.

"What changed?"


"Jenner offered us a way out, you asked him to let us keep trying. You begged him, for as long as we can, you said. What changed?

"There was a moment the other day-- it was just a second but I forgot Jacqui was dead. I turned around, I wanted to tell her something . I almost said her name, it was just a second and then I remembered." Lori continues, "But then I realized she didn't have to see any of it.

Ember decided she'd leave Rick and Lori to talk alone and she went into the room where her father was with Carl.

A couple minutes later Lori and Rick come into the house .

Ember's on the verge of falling asleep before she hears coughs, those coughs were coming from Carl. Immediately his parents come running in.

Carl's looks around not noticing where he is, he looks at Hershel and Ember scared.

  "Where are we?" Carl asks.

"Hey, little man." Rick says to his son.

"That's Hershel and Ember." Rick says pointing to each.

"Hi." Ember says smiling at Carl, Carl does a small wave back to Ember.

"We're in their house, you had an accident. Alright?" Rick says.

   "It hurts, a lot." Carl cries.

  "Oh baby, I know. I know." Lori painfully says to her son.

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