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"Morning guys." Ember says to her older sister Beth.

"Morning." Beth smiles.

Ember and Beth weren't as close as Ember was with Maggie, but Ember knows Beth cares about her just as much.

"Come here." Beth pats the seat next to her, "I wanna braid your hair."

"What's this?" Hershel asks his two daughters.

"Lori and Carol are cooking dinner for us tonight." Maggie says.

"That's the first I've heard of it."

"We didn't think it was that big a deal." Ember steps in defending her sister, "They want to thank us for helping them."

"We need to be setting clear boundaries with these people." Hershel orders, "They're getting a little too comfortable."

Ember rolls her eyes at what her father is saying.

"It's just dinner." Maggie says.

"What's going on with you and the Asian boy?" Hershel asks his oldest daughter.

"He's Korean." Ember adds.

"Glenn. He's a friend."

"I'd rather he wasn't. It's bad enough I have to chase Ember, Beth, and Jimmy around."

"Well you don't have to chase me around, I'm not sixteen."

"I know your not. That's why I'm counting on you to be the mature one."


Ember and the others run out, she sighs when she sees Rick, Glenn, and Shane dragging an unconscious Daryl.

"Once again I'm sitting at the kid table." Ember sighs.

"Does anybody know how to play guitar?" Glenn asks out of nowhere, "Dale found a cool one. Somebody's got to know how to play."

"Otis did." Patricia says.

"Yes, and he was very good too." Hershel adds.

Ember notices Maggie and Glenm staring at each other.

Hey guys! This chapter was pretty short and this was the whole chapter of episode five, since nothing eventful really happend besides Daryl getting shot by Andrea.

I promise! Everything will be better after this chapter because Carl is finally out! Yay!

Anyways if there is any errors I'm gonna fix them later, bye! ❤️

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