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Ember Greene smiles at her father as he walks in her and Carl's cell. "What's wrong?" He worries for his daughter.

"Nothing." Ember laughs. "It's just that I now noticed how different I look from the farm already."

Hershel laughs at his daughter. "You have grown an inch or two. Maybe it's just your head that's gotten bigger."

Ember rolls her eyes at her father, smiling. "Thanks dad."

"Don't worry about it. Now come out there with us, I won't allow you to sit in this cell by yourself."

"Okay." The young girl nods.


Ember Greene stands next to Carl as she watches him shift around.

"It's so quiet." Carol says. "It's easy to forget how loud the world used to be. I used to complain about it all the time. Traffic, construction, car alarms, noise pollution. What I wouldn't give for the sweet sound of a jumbo jet.

Carl chuckles. "It'd be even sweeter if we were all on it.

Ember gasps when she hears a car approaching the prison, she smiles hoping it's the others.

"It's them." Ember calls out for Carol and Carl to open the gates for the group.

Ember hugs her oldest sister. "Your safe." The young girl whispers.

"Take your sister inside." Hershel says to his younger daughters.

Ember nods at her father, she looks at Carl before softly pulling her sister inside the prison.

Everyone stands and watches Rick worriedly as he seems to be out of it.

"Why are you here? What do you want from me?"

"Dad?" Carl calls out for his father.

"I can't help you! Get out!" Rick yells.

"Hey, come on. Whoa, it's all good." Tyreese attempts to calm Rick down, but it doesn't work.

"What are you doing?"

Ember steps closer to Rick. "Hey, easy, Rick. There's no need to--" Ember isn't able to finish her sentence, she gets cut off by Rick yelling in her face. The young girl immediately back into Carl.

"You don't belong here! Get out! Please!"

Everyone backs away from Rick when he pulls out his gun, he points anywhere not paying attention.

"Relax, brother. Relax. We'll leave. We're going." Tyreese says. "Ain't nobody got to get shot here."

"What are you doing here?!" Rick paces around.

"Just go!" Glenn pushes the group out.


These last few chapters have been so bad, so sorry. But some exciting stuff is happening soon and also young is almost finished with.

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