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"We're running short already. I should make a run into town." Maggie says to Hershel.

"Not the place Shane went?" Ember nods, she really doesn't want Maggie to go alone, but it isn't her call.

"No, there's a pharmacy just a mile down the road." Maggie says to Rick, she then looks at Hershel, "I've done it before."

"See our man there in the baseball cap? That's Glenn our go-to-town expert. I'd ask him along just to be cautious." Rick says, Hershel and Maggie nod at each other.

When Dale and T-Dog come running in worried, to get some people. Ember knew something was wrong.

Ember follows behind everyone to the well, she looks down to see some thing, in her family's well.

"Yuck!" Ember yells, she scrunches her nose in disgust.

"Looks like we've got us a swimmer." Dale says.

"How long do you think it's been down there?" Glenn asks.

"Long enough to grow gills." Andrea replies.

"That's disgusting." Ember says, the young girl was really disgusted.

"We can't leave it in there. God knows what it's doing to the water." Lori says, she was right.

"We got to get it out."

"Easy. Put a bullet in it's head." Ember wasn't use to the way T-Dog said it so calmly, her father and sister didn't see those brain eating shits as monsters they saw them as family, friends, neighbors, so much more, "I'll get a rope."

"Whoa whoa, guys. No." Maggie says, Ember could tell by the look on her sisters face that she thought these people were crazy. Ember didn't know whether she agreed or if she actually wanted to defend them.

"Why not? It's a good plan." Glenn defends T-Dog.

"It's a stupid plan." Andrea says, "If that thing hasn't contaminated the water yet, blowing its brains out will finish the job.

"She's right. Can't risk it." Shane says, agreeing with Andrea.

"So it has to come out alive?" T-Dog asks.

"So to speak."

"How do we do that?" Glenn asks the question that Ember was wondering, how were they gonna get that thing out.

"Well lowering that isn't doing anything." Ember sighs.

"Maybe cause a canned ham don't kick and scream when you try to eat it." T-Dog replies.

"He's right. There's a reason the dead didn't come back to life and start raiding our cupboards." Lori says.

"We need live bait." Ember sighs when Andrea looks towards Glenn.

"Have I mentioned that I really like your new haircut?  You have a nice shape head." Glenn says to Shane.

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