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Glenn Rhee draws a map on the floor of the prison while Carl and Ember explain to him how Tyreese's group were able to get in the prison.

"We secured this." Glenn looks at both kids.

"He thought he came through here." Ember points.

"Means there's another breach. Okay. The whole front of the prison is unsecured. If walkers just strolled in, then it's gonna be cake for a group of armed men."

Why are we even so sure he's going to attack?" Beth questions. "Maybe you scared him off?"

"He had fish tanks full of heads." Michonne speaks up. "Walkers and humans. Trophies. He's coming."

"We should hit him now." Glenn says.

"What?" Ember looks at Glenn as if he's lost his mind.

"He won't be expecting it. We'll sneak back in and put a bullet in his head."

"We're not assassins." Carol disagrees.

Glenn limps over to Michonne. "You know where his apartment is. You and I could end this tonight."

Michonne sighs, not making eye contact with Glenn.

"I'll do it myself." Glenn raises his voice.

The woman glares at Glenn before nodding, agreeing. "Okay." Glenn backs away.

"Ugh." Ember groans.

"What's wrong?" Carl Grimes looks at the younger girl.

"Nothing, I just wish we had more free time. You know? Not always having to worry." Ember frowns.

"Everything's gonna be okay soon." Carl smiles sadly.

"I know. We just have to keep fighting." The brunette nods.  "Yeah."


"The tombs outside the boiler room are overrun again." Glenn exclaims.

"That whole section has been cleared." Beth acknowledges.

"It's a steady stream of walkers."  Carl explains to the teenager.

"We're wasting time." Hershel speaks. "The Governor is supposedly on the way and we're stuck in here with walkers."

"Trapped between a rock and a hard place."

Glenn sighs. "For the last time, running is not an option."

Carol looks at the man sadly. "Glenn, if the tombs have filled up again, it may just be a matter of time before they push in here.

"Or until some fence gives away.

"What if one of them herds is passing through?" Axel questions.

"Can't handle that with just the few of us."


Carl and Ember stroll around. "It's a nice day." Ember states.

"Yeah." Carl keeps his head down.

"Carl, you know she was proud of you right?" Ember grins.

Carl chuckles. "Everyone's been saying that lately. Why would she be proud of me for being mean to her?"

Ember looks at the boy sadly. "You can't think about the negative, think about the happy times."

Carl is about to speak but doesn't when a gunshot rings, Ember screams as Axel falls to the ground dead. Carl Grimes ducks down, pulling Ember down with him.

Carl and Ember find a cover and start shooting, hoping to not die. "Come on!" Carl pulls on Ember as they start running. They finally find a wall to hide behind.

Ember breathes as the gunfire stops. A door opens causing Ember to jump, she sighs when it's just Maggie with rifles in her hand.

"Beth!" Maggie tosses her sister a shotgun.

Gunfire start back up again, and Carl and Ember start shooting.

"Oh shit." Ember curses when a truck drives right through the fence of the prison. She gasps when walkers slowly walk out of the truck.

Ember sighs when she sees Glenn drive up to the prison safe, followed by her father hopping out of the car. "You okay?" Ember asks.


The group watches as walkers stumble everywhere.

What were they going to do now?

Young is almost over guys! There will be a sequel because I love Ember and Carl too much.

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