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IT HAD BEEN DAYS, weeks, months since the farm burned down and still that was all I ever thought about. We all thought it was safe, how stupid of us. Maybe I should be positive and maybe I should think everything is going to be okay, but I'm not the same person anymore, I have no hope.

My thinking is interrupted when Carl hands me a can of some kind of animal food. "What is this, dog food?"

Carl sighs, " It's all we have, Ember

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Carl sighs, " It's all we have, Ember." 

"Okay." After the farm things had been kind of weird between me and Carl.

"Here, do you need the can--" Carl was not able to finish his question, that was because Rick had took both our cans and chucked them somewhere.

Me and Carl look at each other, both sighing in disappointment, we were desperate.

"Psst." T-Dog signals.

"Here we go again." I mumble.

"We got no place to go." T-Dog says.

"When this herd meets up with this one,we'll be cut off." Maggie points at the map, explaining to everyone, "We'll never make it south."

"What would you say? That was 150 head?" Daryl asks.

"That was last week. It could be twice that by now."  I sigh, Glenn was right. We don't want to run into another herd.

"This river could have delayed them." Hershel points out. "If we move fast, we might have a shot to tear right through there."

"Yeah, but if this group joins with that one, they could spill out this way." T-Dog disagrees with my dad.

"So we're blocked." Maggie says.

Rick points, "Only thing to do is double back at 27 and swing towards Greenville."

"Yeah, we picked through that already. It's like we spent the winter going in circles.

Rick nods. "Yeah, I know. I know. At Newnan we'll push west. Haven't been through there yet. We can't keep going house to house. Need to find someplace to hole up for a few weeks."

"All right. It cool if we get to the creek before we head out? Won't take long. We got a fill up on water. We can boil it later."

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