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"Finally got Judith to sleep." Ember smiles up at her father as she sits next to Beth and Carl. The girl looks down at her worn out boots, she sighs.

"How are we with formula?" Carl asks.

"We have enough to last us another month." Hershel answers.

Carl nods. "I'll take Carol for some more at the end of the week."

"Your dad and the others will be back by then." Beth looks at Carl.

"We don't know that." Ember states, Carl nods.

"Right now, Judith is the only family I got." Carl adds.

Ember jumps up when she hears screams coming from a woman, she immediately runs to the sound ignoring her name being called.

"Ember!" Carl runs after the girl.

Ember follows after the sound, flashlight in her hand, gun in the other.

"Ember." Carl scares the young girl. "You can't just run off like that."

"Sorry." She mumbles.

Carl and Ember keep on walking but stop once they hear the screams coming from inside the boiler room. Ember Greene gasps when she gets her hair yanked by a walker. Carl Grimes immediately shoots the biter.

Ember nods at each the boy thanking him before they walk into the room together, the two gasp when they find a group fighting off walkers.

"Come on!" Carl yells to the group.

Ember spots one of the men carrying at bit women. "You have to leave her!"

"No way!" He fires back.

Ember sighs in relief when they finally make it back to the cell block.

"Oh, God! Donna? Is she dead?"

"I'll take care of it." Carl cocks his gun ready to stop the already dead woman from reanimating.

"Whoa, kid. Wait a minute." The man in the beanie stops Carl.

"She doesn't have that long." Ember says.

"Who the hell are you?" A woman glares at Ember and Carl.

"Look, we can help you." Ember looks down at the dead woman on the floor, she continues. "First things first."

"No, we take care of our own."

"No, Tyreese!" A young boy whimpers.

"I gotta do it. Go, just take Ben and lean against the wall. It'll be quick." Tyreese explains.

Tyreese is just about to end the woman but stops when a door closes and is followed by Carl locking it.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"Kid, did you just lock us in here?" Tyreese looks at both Carl and Ember.

"Open the door." The woman next to Tyreese orders.

"No." Ember nods. "This room is secure. You'll be safe. You have food and water."

"Open the door."

"I can't." Carl looks at Ember, she nods.

"Come on, man. We're not animals. Don't do this. Hey! You can't just leave us in here!" Ember flinches when the woman bangs on the cell.

"Sasha! Back away from their door and let the man go. Look around you. This is the best we've had it in weeks. His house. We got other things to do." Tyreese looks at Carl. "We don't want any trouble." Tyreese and Sasha walk away.

"Shouldn't we help them?" Beth questions.

"We did." Carl looks at Ember before walking away.

So this chapter wasn't much longer, but it's something.

Omg guys I love Ember and Carl so much, it makes no sense.

Hope you guys enjoyed this short chapter <3

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