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"So what are you gonna do? We'd all feel better if we knew the plan." Lori says to her husband.

"Is there a plan?" Andrea asks.

"We gonna keep him here?" Glenn adds.

Rick sighs. "We'll know soon enough."

Everyone turns when they see Daryl approaching the group, Ember notices his  bloody hands.

"Boy there's got a gang, thirty men. They have heavy artillery and they ain't looking to make friends. They roll through here, our boys are dead. And our women , they're gonna wish they are."

"What did you do?" Carol asks.

"Had a little chat."

"No one goes near this guy." Rick commands.

"Rick, what are you gonna do?"

"We have no choice. He's a threat. We have to eliminate the threat."

"Your just gonna kill him?" Dale cuts in.

"It's settled. I'll do it today."

"I don't think you should be touching his stuff, Carl."  Ember notices Carl going through Daryl's stuff and she gets nervous.

When Carl takes a gun out Ember's eyes go wide. "Put that back!"

"Come on." Carl softly pulls Ember towards the woods.

"Why do you drag me with you?"

Ember stops when she hears a walker growling, Carl keeps getting closer.

Ember notices as Carl starts throwing rocks at the walker, the young girl sighs.

"Come on!" Ember yells.

Carl pulls Daryl's gun out, "I'm going to kill it."

Carl yelps when the walkers foot gets from out the mud.

"Carl!" Ember yells, the girl pulls on him trying to help him get up.

When Carl gets up both kids go running out of the woods.


"Let's gather up." Rick says, just as Carl and Ember walk up to the farm.

"Come on, Carl. I want you to stay with Jimmy." Lori says to her son, "You too, Ember."

"But I wanna listen." Carl tells his mom.

"Not this time. Come on."

Ember walks up the stairs waiting for Carl, when he comes up she slaps his arm.

"Your an idiot, you could've gotten killed." Ember rolls her eyes as she walks to her room.

Ember gasps when she hears a scream.

"Get Carl." Rick immediately tells Lori.

"Baby." Lori pulls Carl.

"What happened?" Carl asks.

"Come here. Come here." Lori orders, Carl pulls on Ember. Not wanting her to be alone.

"T-Dog, get a shot gun now!" Rick yells.

When Lori tells Carl and Ember to go in the house and lock the door, Carl and Ember don't  listen.

"Oh my god." Ember cries when she sees Dale.

"Okay, hold on now. Get Hershel!" Rick screams.

Ember just blocks out what everyone is saying.

"He's suffering." Andrea says.

Ember notices how Rick is not able to shoot Dale, Daryl then steps up.

"Sorry, brother."

I cry this chapter is so bad, I'm so sorry guys 😭.

I'm going to try to make the next chapter better, because this just sucked ass and it was short too! So disappointed 😂😭.

Anyways! We only have two more episodes in season two!!!! Yay!

Btw I honestly hated the situation they  had with Randall, so that's my excuse for this chapter being so short and sucky 😂😭.

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