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" Cassidy had a cardiac arrest... " Rhett teared up.

Tears quickly formed in my eyes. I heard a silent pray, I looked at Rhett. Tears rushed off his cheeks, he was shivering, hiccuping, grinding his teeth. With a gentle, yet helpless motion I ran my fingers through his hair.

" They-they're, g-getting her started again. " Rhett cried.

I pulled him closer, resting his head on my shoulder. I tried my best to calm and hush him down. After a while a doctor called for us out in the waiting room.

" Mr. McLaughlin, Mr. Neal. We've got some good news and some not so good news. The good news are that Cassidy didn't suffer any brain damage from the concussion or cardiac arrest. And she's breathing on her own. "

I breathed out, I had no idea what the bad news would be.

" The bad news is that there is a risk of Cassidy have yet another cardiac arrest or similar due to anxiety and possible trauma. Do any of the two of you know CPR? "

" We both do. "

" Good, very good. "

The doctor shut up for a few seconds...

" We still haven't determined if Cassidy's human or not. According to her anatomy she is, but there's... " He cleared his throat. " There's of course some obvious things that do point in other directions. "

" All we care about is if she's going to be okay or not. " Rhett said.

" You'll be able to take her home by evening if everything stays stable. If not, we'll have to keep her until it does. "

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