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I quickly followed Cassidy's instructions and began running, keeping a tight grip around Link's wrist. The sky was darkening quite quickly and the wind really picked up. A thunderstorm was created, no rain but every other from of weather disaster you could think of. Link and I kept running and running. It felt like we weren't getting anywhere, and we weren't. The wind was so strong it held us back and slowly pulled us back towards Cassidy. As if it wanted us to be right next to her. She didn't notice us, just stayed in her sit down position with her head down. Nothing happened for many minutes, she just sat there. I couldn't for the life of me understand what was going on. Link and I sat on either side of her, I wrapped my arms around Cassidy and Link did the same. His arms tangled with mine and the grip around Cassidy got even stronger.

Loud booms of thunder echoed around us and the only thing holding us from flying away in the wind was the grip we had of Cassidy.

" Rhett, I'm so tired. " Link sleepily said.

I felt my muscles relaxing, the grip we had was softening. My eyelids got heavier, I started yawning, I was about to fall asleep. Link looked at me with fright in his eyes. He saw my arms letting go.

" Please, Rhett. Hold on! " He said.

I tried to move my arms and hold Cassidy in my arms, but they refused to move...

Broken Wings (Rhett&Link fan-fic)Where stories live. Discover now