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I kept rolling until I hit a wall, on unstable, dizzy legs I stood back up and looked around. 

" Shadow, you think you've been clever don't you? " A dark, thunder-like voice said. 

I shivered purely from the sound of it. He heard my every breath, and I felt his cold presence. 

" What do you want? " I mumbled. 

" Oh, cocky I hear. Well, little filthy cur... For what you've done death is rightfully deserved. But, that won't make you suffer long enough. So, I came up with something else for you, dear. " 

I slowly turned around, I knew he was behind me. His cold hands gripped my neck, icy fingers dug into my skin. He once again started pulling on my wings and I felt every piece of the healing scars breaking and they once again hung loosely on my back. A bloodcurdling scream left my lips and I tried my best to escape his grip. Suddenly I felt something build up on the inside, my wings attached themselves to my back again and I flung them open, throwing him off my back.

" I don't care what you're saying. " I said, running towards him. 

He stood up and started running the other way, but not a chance that I would let him go that easy. I threw myself in the air and glided through the hallways, catching him in my arms. I kept gliding out the door, I did know where I was. Mount Darkness, and it wasn't going to end pretty for this guy. He'd treated me like trash for way too long...

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