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The tube started filling up with even more water. It ran down my hair and soaked it. For a moment it felt like acid, and I noticed that the black feathers on my wings falling off. He was killing me! As I'd expected. This wasn't exactly news to me, the news was that I knew Rhett and Link could see me. That they saw me suffer and didn't enjoy it, that I could hear Link sobbing across the room, that I heard Rhett whispering and trying to comfort him. When the tank was filled to my hips I noticed the fact that it wasn't water. It smelt sour and toxic. I knew what it was. My master had collected every cried tear in this city and mixed it with citric acid and eToby. Now this may sound like something you'd find on the back of a pack of skittles, but eToby is a poison. It might sound harmless, I can't blame you for thinking that. The thing is that eToby is named that way to seem harmless. Kinda like a natural additive or something. But mixing eToby with any kind of acid gives it a DNA-destructive abilities. He was forcing it all over me, but had in some way made it target my wings, skin and heart. It was literally pushing the life out of me.

When I later turned around I saw Rhett and Link approaching the tube. With a tired smile I welcomed them, I wanted to hear their voices speak to me and meet their eyes one last time. Link wasn't himself anymore. The tears had made his icy blue eyes grey and tired, the frown seemed glued to his lips and the dark, shiny hair had lost its life. But I continued smiling, I didn't want to leave them with tears and screaming.

" Cassidy? " Link sobbed and put his hand against the glass, and I met it with my hand.

Our eyes locked in silence and it stayed that way. Until yet another gallon of eToby and acid washed over me and I had to take my hand down. The smile was still on my face but I knew my other facial features told a completely different story. When I slowly lifted my gaze I met the red, puffy eyes of a crying Rhett.

" Rhett. Come here. " I hissed with my broken, raspy voice...

Broken Wings (Rhett&Link fan-fic)Where stories live. Discover now