Time For Change?

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"Friday November 22nd, 1993."


Beep! Beep! Beep!

Ugh! It's morning already? I don't wanna go to school, it's pure torture. A memory of the past flashes in mind when I think of school and I shake it away quickly. It's over now, it's over now.

"Avery! Get ready or you're going to be late!" My mom hollers from the kitchen.

"5 more minutes!" I complain for the 20th time.

"You've been saying that! Avery Marie Winters! If you're not down here in 5 minutes God so help me-"

Crap, She used my full name!!

"Alright!" I get up and change in a matter of 5 minutes just like she asked. You do not want to mess with my mom especially when she uses your full name. I rush down stairs and see the bus down the street so I take my toast to go. I made it just in time and take a seat next to my best friend, (since kindergarten) Emma. She knows almost everything about me. There's always been one secret that no one ever knew about me. I wanted to keep it that way and I managed to do so for 7 years with a big fake smile on my face as I was doing now. I am about to turn 16 and I mastered this smile. What nobody knows is that on the inside I was crouched into a little ball sobbing my eyes out.

"Hey! Didn't get much sleep, right?" Emma says frowning.

"Yeah, I have a lot of things going on."

"Don't worry it'll blow off." She reassured.

"You're right." Not. Nothing really goes for me even when I need it the most. I have really bad luck in life when other people have it all. *Sigh*, why can't it all be over?

We arrive to school and I walk side by side with Emma to our first period class, Biology. I don't have much problem with academics so I didn't hate school for learning, well I didn't mind it. It was the things in between them. All the social status thing like popularity or geeky, harsh teachers, judgy people and bullying.


Eighth period finally comes along, my favorite. Music class. It's the one thing I look forward to. I love singing and music. It's my entire life and I wouldn't be here without it... literally.

I am also the teacher's pet here so that makes it even better. I play a little of each instrument but I mostly sing, it's my specialty.

"OK! You guys know that Friday is Karaoke Day. Who wants to go first?" Our teacher, Mrs. Bar announces. The usual person raises her hand, Carmen Worth the most popular girl in school. She gets A's, has long golden hair and curves all over. Girls want to be her and guys want to be with her. Plus she sings but she's not that great, average.

She struts confidently to the front of the room and always sings the #1 trendy song of the week and today it's "Clarity" By Zedd. Everyone claps at the end and more volunteers sing, some in groups.

I enjoy their performance until Mrs. Bar looks at me questionably like 'Why don't you sing?'. She's heard me sing before and has always favored me to anyone else but I'm not big in singing in front of people. I'm one of those people who sit quietly and just watch even though deep down I can beat their asses at singing or playing an instrument.

I shake my head. Then, I notice only two people never participate in singing. Me and this guy in the corner. He usually has his hood up but you can see his headphones sticking out. I catch a glimpse of his face and he's... hot. A chiseled face with disheveled hair dark as the sky on a moonless night falls messily onto his entrancing light blue eyes. He caught me looking at him so I turn away immediately.

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