Movies of the Past

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Beep Beep!

"I'm coming!" I yell while putting on my jacket and rushing out the door.

"Is this how long it takes for girls to get ready?" Devon mocks.

"Is this how annoying guys are?" I imitate his voice. He shakes his head at me and turns up the radio.

"So we put our hands up like the ceiling can't hold us, like the ceiling can't hold us." I sing.

Devon looks at me suspiciously. "You know this song?"

"Yeah, I like variety in my music, plus we've been through the 'no girly music' thing with me." I say.

Devon then starts to do the rap. He says every word clearly, no spitting and perfect rhythm with an amazing sultry voice. I can only imagine how good at singing he is. "Impressive, you can rap." I state clapping my hands.

"Well thank you." he says, raising his chin confidently as we park.

"Avery!" I hear someone scream across the parking lot.

"Hey!" I shout back, walking over to them.

We enter the movie theater and the smell of butter and popcorn instantly hits my nose.

"What do you guys wanna watch?" Emma asks.

"Horror movie?." Her boyfriend, Derek suggests.

"Agreed." Devon and Emma say simultaneously.

"No, no, no. I do not do horror movies or anything scary." I say waving my hands 'no'

"Come on Avery, it's three against one. You lose." Devon smiles.

"Fine." I give up. "But you're paying for the food." I go to the ticket stand with Emma while the guys get us snacks. We get the tickets for 'Freddie and Jason' and head for theater 4.

When we arrive the almost all the seats are taken so we were forced to be separated. Devon and I up front and Emma and Josh on the middle right side.

"Calm down Avery, the movie hasn't even started yet." Devon chuckles.

"I can't stand these types of movies. I feel like I'm gonna pee my pants." I admit taking a handful of popcorn and shoving them in my mouth.

"Don't worry, I'm here." he whispers in my ear just as the movie starts.

You can do this Avery. It's just a movie.

The creepy suspenseful music starts to play as my body starts to shiver involuntarily. I feel a warm, firm hand on mine, Devon. I look over a him but, he's just focused on the screen as if nothing happened. I look back at the screen which was a bad idea. I turn away immediately, burying my face into Devon's arms while tightening my grip on his hand.

I hear him chuckle lightly but, is soon covered up with screams.


People clap and cheer once the movies over but, I just bolt for the door.

I feel freezing cold and try to rub away the goosebumps as the others walk over to me.

***** Devon's POV *****

I see Avery in the corner rubbing her arms like crazy and her eyes bulging out. She looks scared out of her mind so I quickly walk over to her. This isn't the usual afraid of scary movies, there's something more.

"Hey, you OK Avery?" Emma asks patting her back. She doesn't reply and continues staring at the ground.

"B-Blood, blood e-everywhere." she stutters madly.

"Avery, it's over now. That was in the past. I thought you forgot about that." Emma said worriedly. I look at her confused and she just shakes her head.

Avery starts to sob quietly and I try to comfort her.

"How c-can I forget about that?" she weeps.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have made you watch the movie." Emma says, on the verge of crying as well.

"I wanna go home." she states.

"I'll take her." I wrap her in my arms and head for the car. She walks very slowly, tears dripping from her face every step.

What happened to her to make her this way?

***** Avery's POV *****

Devon kindly walks me to his car mimicking my slow, elderly pace. That night is still clear as day to me and haunts me even though I thought it was gone.

~~~ Flashback ~~~

"Ahhhhhh!!" I scream at the top of my lungs and get away from his disgusting grip. I run as fast as my legs can take me hoping to be out of this place already but, it seems never ending. I hear his footsteps right behind me and turn around to find a black figure getting closer and closer, it's too dark to see his face or where I'm going.

A fake ghost pops up in front of me and I trip falling flat on my face as the figure over shadows me. He pins me down on the ground roughly.

"Stop! Someone hel-" I yell but his oversized hand is covering my mouth preventing me from screaming. Tears flood my vision and stream down my face as his other hand gropes my body and his tongue licks my neck. I squirm under his heavy body but it's useless. I hear a weird sound to see my shirt ripped open exposing my torso. He starts to reach for my waist-


I feel his weight lifted off of me and crawl away to see Emma hitting him repeatedly on the head with a big stick. She knocks him unconscious as blood starts to pool around the figure. Emma rushes over to me and helps me to stand up, hugging me tightly as I do so to her.

We cry into each others shoulders and walk outside, blood splattered all over our clothes and tears dripping from our scared faces.

~~~ End ~~~

"Avery, Avery." Devon calls snapping me out of my deep thought. "Are you OK?" I stay silent and just give him my fake smile.

"I've already told you that that doesn't work on me... Now tell me what's going on."

I stare at him for a while. I notice his concerned face and start to relive that night once again. "It was the night of Halloween in a haunted house..."

Sneak peek into Avery's mysterious and disturbing past. What did you think of it? How do think Devon will react? Who do you think the 'figure' is? Do you think he'll come back?

Thanks for reading!!


Love you guys ;) <3

~ Trisha xoxoxoxo

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