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*********** Avery's POV **************

"Don't say things you don't mean." I say in disgust.

"If you loved me, you wouldn't have made me cry. If you loved me you wouldn't have used me. If you loved me, you wouldn't have hit me countless times. If you loved me..."

I blink letting my tears fall then, look into his emerald eyes that I once loved.

"You wouldn't have raped me." 

He lowers his head in defeat as I walk to the exit not caring if people were staring.

When I get in the car I run my fingers through my hair and do the weirdest thing in my situation... Laugh.

I laughed and cried at the same time. Letting all of my frustration and grieving out.

"I'm so stupid!" I chuckle banging my head against the window. I didn't know exactly why I was laughing but I definitely knew why I was crying.

"How could I ever fall for a guy like him?"

"Hey, stop punishing yourself for it." Devon says, holding my head still to keep myself from banging it again. He gently rubs my forehead hoping it won't leave a bruise then, kisses it quickly, surprising me.

I sob into his welcoming arms wishing they were there when he did all those things to me.

"Was he the one in the haunted house?" he asks.

I slowly nod.

"Why didn't you tell me? You didn't mention the whole story."

"I know... Emma doesn't even know about it and she was there."

"Couldn't you tell me?" he questions sadly.

"Yeah, but I didn't want to tell you that my first time was because I was raped." I grip his shirt firmly, soaking it with my salty tears.

"I understand... I'm sorry you had to go through all of that. I wish I met you sooner." he hugs me tighter.

"Me too." I mumble.

Deep breathe...

"He was my neighbor..." I start.

"You don't have to tell me." he says looking at me sorrowfully in the eyes.

"No, it's fine. If I'm going to tell anyone I want you to be the first." I say.

"Nate, Emma and I were really close ever since elementary. Since we all lived near each other we all went to the same school but he was a grade above us. He would always be there for me when I was being picked on and scared off the bullies with his size. You can say he was my knight and shining armor..."

"He helped me through my first day in high school and I noticed that the more we got older, the more I realized my feelings for him. He was my first love." I notice Devon tense up a bit.

"Three months later I told him how I felt and he told me he felt the same way. We were dating for a couple of months and it was great until every thing started to fall apart. Nate's dad was hospitalized, they found out he had cancer. He took it pretty hard and he needed to release his anger so, he did... On me. My mom had a very busy job and would work late at night and Nate took advantage of that. He would beat me up weekly. I was his personal punching bag." My voice cracks, as if knowing I didn't want to talk anymore but, I ignored it.

"I tried to stop him, break up with him but it would make it worse. He soon realized what he was doing and stopped beating me up. I thought the old Nate was back, until he forced himself on me." More and more tears kept flowing at the mention of his name.

"I didn't know what was worse, being beaten senseless or raped. I was so broken down, I couldn't remember a time where I wasn't black and blue or crying. Although, he was careful to leave my face untouched or else people would know and, it was winter so I had excuses for being all covered up. After almost 2 months with this cycle he moved to Australia for his dads chemotherapy."

"I was overjoyed. I broke up with him over Skype and I was finally able to relax for a little while. Although, even when he was across the world, he still managed to find a a way to torture me. Every night I would see him. The same old nightmares happened and they stopped a few months ago... I guess they'll be back now."

"No they won't. He won't lay a finger on you, even in your dreams. I'll be there. I know I haven't known you for a very long time but, you can always count on me. Thanks for telling me, I'm glad that I'm the first person you ever told." he smiles warmly.

"First..." I repeat.

"So, he was your first everything, huh?" he asks sadly.

"Not everything." I smile. "I made sure to save one 'first' for the person I truly loved."

He looks at me uncertainly.

"My first kiss."

*********** Devon's POV **************

"But, didn't he kiss you back in the club earlier?" I ask, confused.

"Nope." she smiles popping the 'p'.

"A while ago when we were still dating he would try to kiss me a lot but, I didn't want to. I made a technique to make him think he was kissing me even though he really wasn't." she says quite proudly.

"And how did you do that?" 

"I would lick my cupids bow so it would be moist then, suck in my lips. When you kiss it would feel like real lips."

"OK?" I say questioningly. 

I let out a sigh of relief. It's good to know she still has something to hold onto. When I heard all those things he did to her I wanted to kill him.

"Devon are you OK?" Avery asks, concerned. "Your knuckles are turning white."

I look at them just to notice that I've been making a fist.

"Yeah." I smile at her. "I was just thinking about your technique, I still don't really get it." I reveal not wanting her to know what I was thinking about.

It hurts to know that someone as innocent and frail as her went through all of that. I inspect her ghostly pale face and my eyes immediately go to her lips. They look so soft, plump and kissable...

"Do you wanna try?" 

Will they finally kiss?? Wait sorry it's a fake kiss ;p

Hope you liked it!!!

Love you all <3

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~ Trisha xoxoxoxo

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