Moved On

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* * * * * *Flashback * * * * * * 

Devon's P.O.V

Avery bolts out the door.

"Wait!" I feel Eliza stop me by the arm.


"Let. Go. Of. Me." I growl. She stares at me horrified but all I care about is right now is Avery.

I run through the halls looking for her when I see a familiar shade of brown make a turn.

"Avery wait," I holler grabbing her by the wrist but her back is still to me. "We need to talk." 

She stays still, slowly turning. I expect to see tears, a red face and smudged makeup (if she wore any) but that's not what she looked like.

I see her face... She's completely calm, even a slight smile on her face. I'm taken aback by her reaction, loosening my grip. She slips her wrist out.

"Yeah? About what?" She says in a monotone.

I reach for her cheek but evades my sign of affection. "Avery, don't act like this."

She sighs closing her eyes for a few seconds. "Act like what? You don't love me. You never did," She opens them. They shine with pain. Like a freshly sharpened knife ready to kill. "You never will. And you're probably wondering why I'm not crying, weeping, sobbing... It's not because it doesn't hurt. In fact it hurts so much I can't cry. Have you ever felt that before? Because let me tell you this, it's the worst feeling ever."

I beg, my face contorting in concern. "Avery, please."

"You just feel emotionless. Just a hollow body. That's how it feels like." She ruffles her hair. "I must've sounded so stupid in the nurses room. Confessing my love for you with all I had when yours were just empty words."

"They weren't!" I interject.

She walks closer leaning in even though she has to tip toe to reach my face. I feel her breath on my ear.

She whispers, "When we first met, I was defeated, bruised and crushed. I was beaten, I knew that..." She paused.

"But you... You broke me." 

She whips around on her heels limping every now and then. I stand there. Doing nothing as I watch her silhouette get smaller and smaller until it's out of my sight.  Out of my life.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Avery's P.O.V

"Hey babe I'll see you after school or 8th period." I nod giving him a slight small before planting a big fat kiss on his cheek.

"See you later, Bret." He puts his hand over his heart with a dramatic and fake pained look on his face.

"Is that all I get? Come on I have to wait all day." He whines. I roll my eyes letting out a yelp to find out that he picked me up.

"What are you doing!" I exclaim not being able to avoid the grin appearing on my face.

"You know you love it." He smirks. He leans in giving me hot, deep kiss as he twirls me around in his arms.

I love it when he does that. 

He finally sets me down while others start making 'oooing' sounds.

Did I mention we were in the middle of the hallway? 

I feel many stares on me as I wave 'goodbye' to Bret but one is much more intense than all the others.

 I turn around to see a pair of piercing blue eyes staring straight at me. I glare back giving him a once over. His usual dark clothing but still never leaves out the style.

I put this staring contest to a stop as my face starts to scrunch up thinking about him.

Honestly, that night I sang so many songs and cried so many tears I lost my voice and my face was as swollen as a watermelon. But he never knew that. I didn't want him to know that. That day it really did hurt so much that I lost my tears. When I got home it was different. I fought with my mom, my shouting echoing through the house and tears on her face. That night was basically a repeat of that night. The night on the rooftop. 

Emma turns my shoulder walking us to our class.

She mutters, "He's not worth it." I nod mouthing 'thank you' to her.

Through each of my classes I just tuned everyone out. It was just me and the demons in my head. Yes, they're back. At a very young age I learned, "Monsters don't live under your bed, they live inside your head...".


"Class is dismissed. Hurry on to 8th period you rotten teenagers."

Yup, that's Miss Shryer. She hates kids. 

 I speed walk to music class not being able to contain the slight bit of happiness leaking out of me. As soon as I walk into the room I see Bret. He gives me a lop-sided grin before winking.

Each time he did that it would make my face burns.

His football friends, Kevin and Joe, whistle with every chance they get. But Bret always hits them so its a win, win. I take a seat in the usual corner but not the one next to him. Just then he walks in, headphones and all, but instead of sitting in his corner he sits a few chairs closer to me.

I ignore the urge to look at him. Suddenly, I feel a pair of arms lift my off the chair.

"Are you serious? Again!!" I shout hitting him [playfully] in the chest.

"Yes, again. I know you love it anyway." He teases. He carries me over to his seat like a princess.

*Whistle* I snap my head towards him. "Shut it Kevin." I hiss, he puts his arms up in surrender.

"My girlfriend is going to sit next to me." He states with seriousness and foolery in his voice. More seriousness at the world 'girlfriend'.

"You know, it amazes me how you never get tired of this. Aren't I heavy?" I question.

He chuckles, "Not at all your like a feather." He throws me up into the air making me scream for a moment. 

"Jesus." I say putting my hand over my heart. "I guess I need to start gaining some weight."

"See Bret, look what you did!" Joe shouts.

He smirks leaning in close. "I don't care, I'll still love her." This made my heart flutter. Then he mumbles, "But not too much okay babe?"

I giggle, rolling my eyes. "Wooooow... Can you put me down now?"

He shakes his head. "Nope." Popping the 'p'.

"Mr Richman!" Our music teacher, Mrs. Bar, says sternly. "Put her down."


I interject pointing my index finger at him, "No 'buts' Mr Richman."

He lowers his arms to the seat.

"You owe me a kiss." The deepness in his voice makes shiver go up and down my spine before they hit my crimson face.

I bury my face into my hands trying to decrease my heart rate. I sigh...

This boy will be the death of me...

Yup... Avery got Bret!!!!!!

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