Chapter 9 - Atlantis

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[Picture: Dylan James Callaghan. Video: Be My Baby - Ariana Grande Ft. Cashmere Cat]

I wake up feeling well, the room was in a comfortable temperature and the covers felt like soft clouds enveloping my body. With my eyes closed, I shift around, letting the soft sheets brush against my skin, feeling so comfortable that I would love to stay in bed for the whole day. I let myself stretch out, letting that relaxing feeling run through my body briefly. I slowly open my eyes, letting my pupils adjust to the light that's illuminating the room. I notice that the room was white, with the sun seeping through the windows brightening the room. I was tucked under a white comforter, and it was only then that I noticed I was wearing a soft sweater which itself felt like heaven too. And only after that was when I noticed that I'm not in my room.

I'm in someone else's.

I immediately sit up, the comforter falling off of my chest. I look around and examine the room. To my left was a desk with a double-screen computer, and next to that was the wide window that illuminated the room. Directly across me was a door which I don't know held what within it, then beside that were golden double doors which I think would lead to a closet, since it didn't look like it would be the entrance to the bedroom itself. To the right of those doors was the single door that would definitely pass for the entrance.

I rub my eyes as the brawling pain hits my head, a blunt feeling of being hit in the head by a hammer numerous times. It resonated within my scalp, but I did my best to massage along my temples and forehead, hoping to ease the pain by even just a little bit. I try recalling what happened last night, what events that occurred that could have lead to where I am now, and how I got here. I remember getting out of the concert slightly intoxicated, enough that I could feel it but not enough that I wouldn't have been able to stand up straight and not fall down and pass out. I remember talking to Dylan that night, or maybe I was texting him? I remember getting inside his car and- that's where I fell asleep!

Oh god, I fell asleep in his car, before what was supposed to be our second date.

Fucking hell. Good going, Braydon. Why did I even agree to going out with him knowing that I had I forgot how many bottles of beer that night? Why the fuck did I think it was going to be a good idea?

I realize that I'm still in my jeans, but my shirt has been changed. I'm now wearing a gray sweater which is actually comfortable as fuck, which now makes me feel exponentially embarrassed, knowing that Dylan changed my shirt for me. My god did we do anything last night? I know that Dylan doesn't seem like the guy to be taking advantage of people who pass out, but I barely know him. I went out on one date with him, and I don't think that's enough to safely assume that we didn't hook up last night. Oh god I really hope we didn't because one- it would be such a turn off and two- I would want to be fully aware and awake when the magic happens. Sorry for that TMI moment, but wouldn't you want to be fully aware and awake during your first time? I thought so.

And with perfect fucking timing, the door across me opens and reveals a shirtless Dylan James Callaghan, possibly fully naked except for a white towel wrapped around his waist. Oh my fucking god it is the second day that I have spent with this man and he's already only one garment away from being fully exposed.

What the fuck, Braydon, calm your excited ass.

My cheeks immediately flush red, and I feel the heat spread to them. My heartbeat rises and my hands turn cold, as usual. As pathetic and futile as it is, I desperately try to hide myself by grabbing the comforter and pulling up to my face, making it look like there was one weird self-standing triangle on one part of his bed.


One part of his bed.

Oh god did we share his bed?!

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