Chapter 32 - Powerful

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[Photo: Eric Chancellor. Video: Leave Me Lonely - Ariana Grande]

I'm usually happy when Friday rolls around. My week would usually be occupied with looking forward to Friday since that day introduced the glorious weekend where I get to either stay home or go out.

This time, it was different.

Friday seemed to just make the burden in my heart heavier, despite knowing that the weekend was right around the corner. Today, I dreaded coming back home. I spend the day thinking about the endless possibilities of the events that could occur once I go back. They could have figured it out and would willingly let me back in, or they would- in the worst case scenario, kick me out.

You may think that me being kicked out wouldn't be such a problem for me since I had someone to fall back on. I know that Dylan would be more than happy to let me live with him if my family had kicked me out, it would mean more time for us to spend together. It would mean me being picked up from school by a black Lamborghini almost every day, going out to eat dinner and crack a couple of jokes to lift my spirits even for just a couple of minutes.

It would be a wonderful thing, yes, but it still wouldn't make me as happy as you think it would.

You see, nothing can really replace family. No matter who you are or what your story is, your family will always be the one who should be there for you and if they chose to neglect you, you will never forget what happened. You might find a new home and live a new life, but the haunting memory of your own family disbanding you will follow you around wherever you go, like a disturbance eating at you without fail. The past week with Dylan was amazing getting to spend time with him 24/7 despite work, still a little part of me wants to go back and reconcile.

I've formed a stronger bond with the varsity boys, considering what happened with my group and with Tyler Ward. I like their company despite how I make jokes about straight boys all the time. The thing with hanging out with guys is that there isn't usually much thinking in the process. Boys are mindless and will do things for fun and entertainment without properly thinking about it or assessing the consequences, which I'm pretty guilty of since the girls would usually scold me once I come across a bad idea. They're fun and all but you'll surely get in trouble, but with the help of everyone, you'll get out without a scratch.

Jordan and Eric have been the ones who'd usually walk with me in school, we'd hang out between periods or after the last class, just sitting on the soccer field or on one of the benches exchanging stories or debating on a topic. I'd see the girls walk around too, with the smiles on their faces yelling at me that they don't need me anymore. They wouldn't really talk to me unless needed, but they do acknowledge my presence whenever we pass by each other in the hall with a nod. I guess that's a good thing since it takes time for me to get used to being ignored by someone.

Jordan's girlfriend loved the gift he got for her and Eric's starting to see this guy he met when he was playing basketball in his neighborhood. Eric's certain he's gay even though the guy never really talked about it and he's looking forward to building a relationship with him. I'm happy for the golden boy too, knowing that he's already seeing people is a sign that he's starting to move on.

The three of us walk through the hall, me being in between the two boys. A senior was handing out flyers in the middle of the crowd, spinning around in circles as he tries to give everyone a piece of paper from the stack that he was holding.

"Eric, my man!" The senior cheers, the two boys go in for a bro-hug as Jordan and I stand by. "Yo, there's this sick party tonight at Monique's. You all should totally go!" He smiles, acknowledging me and the boy beside me.

Eric shrugs, opening his hands by his sides. "When have I ever passed on a party? Of course, I'll go."

"Awesome." The two share a handshake. "Imma see all of you there, alright?" He asks, pointing to the three of us as he goes back to handing out flyers.

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