Chapter 20 - Joy

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[Picture: Max Raines. Video: If This Is What It Takes - Shawn Mendes]

It's one of the best feelings in my life. 

How after all of these years of endless searching for the one, I may have finally found him. 

I went on dating site to dating sites, hitting up different boys who just don't click with me, people who I just don't see myself sharing a future with. I wanted someone long term, and not just a fun fling so that we could spend out timed journeys together just to know that it the end was inevitable, that we were bound to break up at some point. I wanted to be with someone I know there's a possibility of getting married, I wanted to be with someone I'll end up with in the long run, someone I'd grow old with. Maybe I'm right or maybe I'm wrong, but I think that boy is right beside me right now, hands on the steering wheel as we drive through fast cars in the freeway. The lights were bouncing off of exit signs, the cars ahead of us drove faster, overtaking other vehicles. 

We listen to my music on the way home, I had my entire library shuffled so he could get a taste of what kinds of music I like. After a Halsey song, Belle and Sebastian comes on, the same song he danced me to last night in his bedroom. Though it was simple, it was absolutely one of the best nights in my life. 

"How'd you know about this song?" I ask him, running my hand over my lip as my elbow rests on the car's window. "How'd you know I loved to dance to this?" 

"I've listened to Belle and Sebastian when I was in high school." He explains, taking a brief glance at his mirror before taking the lane next to us so that we could pass the Audi who's driving unbelievably slow in front of us. If this was a new driver and how fast the cars were in the freeway scared him, then why did he take the freeway in the first place? For a new driver, if you're planning to take on the challenge of driving here, you should be mentally prepared for everything, and I mean everything because you can't stop in the freeway. You can't pull over if you think you need a break or to catch a breath, no. If you're passing out while in the damn freeway, you're dead. "I was looking through the internet about this song, and found out that you posted about it on Instagram. It was funny, how of all the posts I could've came across, it was yours. I looked at your username and thought it was familiar, and with taking a look into you profile, I finally knew who you were. " 

"I loved it." I say, looking at him to take his hand, and he lets me. I give him a good grip, his hand a little bit sweaty from the steering wheel but I don't mind. "Thank you for making it so amazing." 

He smiles, not being able to afford taking his eyes off of the road to look at me, but I don't mind. He has a lot of other opportunities to look at me, he can pass on this one. "No problem." 

We soon exit the freeway to a Tori Kelly song, one that is upbeat to keep ourselves awake, since I was getting pretty drowsy and I'm sure Dylan is, too. He's driving after all, that must be physically and mentally exhausting. I see that we're nearing my house, I run a hand through my hair so that I wouldn't look like I was roughed up tonight by some guy I didn't even introduce to my parents. He pulls over near the gate and gets out of the car at the same time I do. He and I both open the doors to the backseat, only then realizing that we had to segregate the books from what's his and what's mine. 

After doing that, he gives me the paper bag with all the things he bought for me. He rounds the car so that he joins me on the sidewalk, wanting a couple more moments before we part for the night, or maybe for the week. 

"I wish you could stay one more night." He says, tucking his hands inside his leather jacket as we maintain a decent amount of distance between our bodies, just in case anyone sees us from inside the house. 

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