Chapter 36 - How Long Will I Love You

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[Photo: Dylan James Callaghan. Video: Is There Somewhere - Halsey]

I rest my head on his bare chest, the comforters covering our bodies as they felt so soft. I play with Dylan's hand as his arm has wrapped around my shoulder, his other hand drawing circles in my hair. The morning light shined through the glass windows as they illuminated the room, reminding us that it's probably time to get up since we've been laying down for the past two hours. 

"I didn't go too hard last night, did I?" Dylan asks, shifting his leg so that I could lean my arm on it. 

I chuckle. "No, you did well." 

He takes a deep breath, the head massage that he's giving me sending shivers through my spine. 

"I can't believe you're eighteen already." 

I roll over, lying down on my stomach as I scooch my body near his, resting my chin on his stomach. "What do you mean?" 

He brings his hand to the back of my neck, running his fingers up and down my back lightly, I close my eyes as the sensation tingles. "Well, when we first started dating months ago you were this little baby who needed me. I loved taking care of you. Now I just feel like you've grown up a lot, I'm scared you won't be needing me as much." 

I laugh, tracing the lines of his abdomen. "Just because we had sex doesn't mean I'm all grown up." 

"But it does," He replies. "I still love you, you know?" 

I can't get over how unnecessarily emotional he's getting, so my laughter doesn't cease. "I love you too, Dyl. But what's with all this emotional talk?" 

He smiles, taking his eyes off me to look up at the ceiling of his room. "I don't know, guess I'm just happy." 

He raises his arms, stretching them out before he places them behind his head. "Glad we had the house all to ourselves last night. You were really loud." 

It earned him a slap to the face. 

He giggles. "It's true!" 

I feel my cheeks turn red, readying myself to engage one more time as I prop myself up with my elbows. "Shut up!" 

The doorbell rings, echoing through the house as I sneak in the chance to punch him in his rib cage. He flinches, just to laugh right after. 

"That's Harrison." He groans, flipping the covers off of him as he gets up. I lay my head on the pillow, pulling the comfortable, white sheets up to my chest as I plan to stay in bed for a little while longer. I watch him walk over to his clothes with his cute, little butt as he digs through the pile for his boxers, putting them on. He looks over his shoulder at me. "Be right back." 

I nod, and he heads out of the room to meet Harrison by the door. 

I get comfortable as I'm left alone on the bed, letting my head run through the events that occurred last night, how his body was warm against mine, how I trusted him to take control and how his muscles quivered as I held on to them. 

Before, I didn't get why losing your virginity was such a big deal, I didn't get why the boys gloated about it all day at school, acting like they've won the lottery. 

Now, I still don't get it. 

It's this simple, precious thing that you share with a partner, hopefully someone you love truly. It's a moment you'll undoubtedly remember for the rest of your life, but I didn't see it as something so important that I had to go around telling people how the whole thing went. It's a normal thing everyone goes through, you just go on with your life like nothing happened. 

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