Chapter 10 - Beating Heart

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[Picture: Max Raines. Video: Cheap Thrills - Sia]

A/N: I've heard that parts in a chapter mess up after I insert a picture within it, so I'll refrain from doing so until Wattpad figures this shit out. 

I don't tell him where we're going, but I put the address of our destination into his GPS and I made him drive to wherever it took us. 

I noticed how we were growing closer so quickly that I already feel so comfortable around him. I could be the sassy Braydon I always have to hide whenever meeting new people because sassy Braydon is offensive as fuck. I feel like I don't have to be playing this character of purity now, unlike the days before. Maybe it's the fact that we've seen each other nearly-naked, or maybe it's the fact that we may have shared his bed last night, or maybe it's all of that. We sit in his car talking to each other as if we've known one another for years. Not talking like your normal couple on their second dinner, one where you ask ice breaker after ice breaker, we talk like best friends on a road trip, asking each other what Adele's farts would sound like, if they would reverb or if it would sound like a chord, or what Lady Gaga's next fashion trend could be. Would you believe that I had to introduce the man to Sia? To think that he has lived twenty years of his life not knowing her, it took everything in me not to crash the car. 

Because he let me take control of the radio for the ride (maybe a sign that he's a keeper), I connect the radio to my phone and play one of Sia's songs that he should know, Chandelier, because every fucking one in the entire world has come across that song at least one. He bobs his head to the beat as he drives, and as the chorus hits as he does a right turn, his face lights up. "I've heard this song!" 

"Of course you have." I tell him. "It's impossible for someone to live without Sia." 

"Okay," He retorts, turning his head to the left to check if there are cars approaching. "I'm an old man, I don't have a lot of time to listen to music." 

I reach out to punch his arm, to which he reacts by ducking his head below his shoulder, yelling "I'm driving!"

"You're not an old man." I argue, rolling my eyes even though he can't see it. "Twenty is not old, you can't even go to bars yet." 

He pouts, driving into the parking lot of the restaurant I made him go to. He already knows where we are by now, it's made obvious by the huge sign standing right in front of the building. "That's true. But ironically, I have a minibar at home." 

"Do you have any alcohol?" 

The side of his lip curves up. "Maybe." 

He parks at the farthest possible spot from the entrance, which in hindsight would make sense and would actually make a good life hack. When finding a spot in restaurant parking, find the one farthest from the entrance so that you get some good exercise going in and out. It's already clear that the man works out, so that ice breaker is down the gutter. As he parks the car, turning the engine off and taking his keys out, he takes a moment to look at me and smile. "Pizza Hut, really?" 

"Baby steps." I tell him, unbuckling my seatbelt. "Next time, we can go to an In-N-Out." 

We walk towards the entrance of the building passing by numerous cars, but none were as luxurious as Dylan's. Maybe he parked the car so far so that people wouldn't notice his car and take pictures and post it on the internet, or maybe because of the fear of getting it stolen. I mean, if I was in any means ghetto enough, stealing a Lamborghini would absolutely run through my mind if I see one, especially in the parking lot of a Pizza Hut. Our talk goes on, but now he's telling me the restaurants he mainly goes to, aside from The Belvedere being his favorite. Everything he's mentioned were star-holders, big-label fine dining restaurants where there's literally a waiting list. Well, a waiting list isn't really proof that a diner is a luxurious one, I mean: Denny's, you know? Not meaning to offend, but you and I both can't argue that Denny's is not a fine dining restaurant. 

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