Epilogue - Delirium

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[Photo: Dylan James Callaghan. Video: This Love (Will Be Your Downfall) - Ellie Goulding]


I raised my violin and bow in victory, sweat dripping down my cheek from my forehead, the roaring applause from the audience was like music itself to my ears. Garnering a standing ovation from majority of the crowd, I take a bow, exiting the stage as the lights curtains closed the stage, the blinding lights ceasing to glow.

It was one prestigious night at UCLA, having a High School Senior be invited to perform at his very own night, showcasing talent that apparently, not many people his age have. Performing seven classical pieces and one chosen pop-violin piece, he was already welcomed by the school's musical community despite not being admitted to the school yet.

Janie applauds me on once I get backstage, perking up once she sees me. "You were amazing! And you've gotten so tall?!"

I raise my eyebrows at her. "How tall?"

"Almost three inches taller." She smiles, taking my violin from my hands. "Let me take care of this, you've got a very special guest right outside the backstage exit." Her smile tells me that something's up, that this was a surprised yet she's already quite ruined the surprise part.

I make a quick trip to the dressing room to grab a towel, wiping my face dry as I stood in front of the mirror. I've never felt more alive, the adrenaline of performance still running through my body as my lungs still struggle to get enough air, my chest rising and falling at a quick pace.

I lean forward, inching my face nearer to the mirror as something sparkles in sight, I try to remember where it came from, my eyes trailing down the reflection of my face to where a chain hung around my neck. A gold, detailed violin pendant beside a silver, pizza slice, two things that were very much important to my life, coming from the people I dearly cared for.

The necklace Dylan has given me hasn't failed me, all of the performance I've had while it dangled on my neck were successful, not missing one note nor beat, my bow striking each string perfectly as the sound of my violin resonated within the auditorium, even I, myself couldn't believe that I sounded that good.

I exit the room, finding Janie who was about to just enter the same room, we both share a smile as I head over towards the direction of the backstage exit, down a dim hallway with a light at the end. Pushing the door open, I walk down the metal stairs, hearing my footsteps clink on each one, the night wasn't as cold as it was before as summer was just a month away. I find a man with his back towards me, wearing a black shirt with khakis, keeping his hands inside his pocket as he paced around awkwardly.

I walk towards him, my footsteps on the ground drawing his attention as he spun around, surely the face that I wanted to see, but not expecting.

"Dyl." I exhale, a smile involuntarily running across my face as he seems happy to finally see me too.

A lot about him has changed, he's grown his hair and beard out, not quite sure how I feel about those. Apart from what I've mentioned, he seems bigger now in terms of muscle, like he's been working out while he was away. The sleeves of his shirt clung on tight to his biceps, giving barely any space between the fabric and his skin. His chest was prominent through the shirt, too.

"Hey, my little baby." He winks.

I run to his open arms, giving him the tightest hug that I could give. His body felt stronger, the curves along his back felt more coarse as his arms held on tighter to my torso. I bury my face in his neck, breathing in the scent that he carries, never changing wherever he goes. I've decided that it isn't his body spray nor cologne, but it's just the way that he smells, it's his skin and nothing else. His beard tickles my nose, causing me to relocate my head, making me place my chin on his shoulder.

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