Chapter 14 - Figure 8

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[Picture: Eric Bradley Chancellor. Video: Bring Me The Night - Sam Tsui & Kina Grannis]

 Video: Bring Me The Night - Sam Tsui & Kina Grannis]

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The Squad's prom looks.

The walk home was something I probably would never ever forget as long as I live on this earth.

I sensed eyes on us as we exited the school gates, eyes questioning why that weird boy was hanging out with Eric Chancellor, why Eric was carrying that boy's bag, and why they're acting different than normal guy-friends do. 

As the sun was getting closer and closer to setting, the sky transitioning from blue to orange, preparing to be the dark night sky we all know littered with stars, the wind was getting cold, the temperature dropping gravely. I wished I brought a jacket, and Eric did too so that he could offer me his, hey his words, not mine okay? We totally went like,

"I wish I brought my jacket." I say, tucking my icy hands into the pockets of my jeans. 

He shivered, the cold getting to him too. "I wish I brought mine too, so that I could give it to you." 

Yeah, he's sweet and cliche, but let me have it alright? It's only seldom you see a guy liking Braydon back, woof, that guy has such tough luck when it comes to love, he just can't stop falling in love with straight guys man, I don't know what it is with him. 

We were nearing my house which was a relieving thought considering the talks we were having on the way there. We didn't know each other that much, thus it was fairly awkward for both parties walking home, having to have the tense pauses in between topics so we could come up with another thing to talk about. I was trying my best too to keep the conservation going, I was trying so hard that I was already tired at this point. 

"What're you gonna wear tomorrow?" He asks, looking godly as the streetlights illuminate the outline of his head, his hair garnering a golden crown around the stray strands standing away from the form that he has on his hair, his cheeks turning pink from the cold of the night. I feel sorry that he has to walk all the way back to his place right after dropping me off of mine. 

I shrug. "I'm planning on a black-and-gold theme, but I'll have to see if my brother has any gold neckties that he could lend me." 

"That's sexy." He remarks, licking his lips as the sexual tension between the two of us gets worse. Our hands would keep bumping to each other due to how close we were, blame the fucking sidewalk, dammit, it isn't big enough for the both of us. With this happening, I'm pretty sure he's thought about grabbing my hand and enlacing his fingers around mine too, just to get it out of the way and so that our hands could stop brushing against the other as if fate was looking down at us saying "I ship them.". 

You know that thing that happens in movies and novels where people make love right after prom night? Yeah I'm pretty scared about that too, because I don't think I'll be able to refuse Eric, as much as morally wrong that seems. Ironic as it is, I usually have trouble saying no to people, specially if it's someone I care about and trust. I wish I could be Meghan Trainor in her song NO, she just seems so sassy and in control there. 

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