Chapter 27 - Little Dreams

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[Picture: Dylan Callaghan with Genevieve. Vidoe: Home - MAX]

That weekend, I went over to Dylan's house since he texted me to come over. I had Max drop me off, sending me a glare when I tell him that I might be staying over for the night. We went the whole week without seeing each other, but still keeping in touch. The whole week, I just really hung out with Jordan a lot, getting to know each other better and better day by day. Eric was needed by the coach, helping the man for extra credit on his PE, as if he needs them. The girls still weren't talking to me, so let them be. 

Dressed in a plain blue shirt with matching jeans and shoes, I go through the gate which opened by itself when Max came to a stop in front of the house. I don't know how it did that, maybe Harrison was waiting for me, looking through the living room window so that he could open the gate from inside when I arrived. Seriously, the Callaghan Mansion is still a mystery. 

Once I get in, I see the greatest sight known to Braydon Keane Raines (well not maybe the greatest, you know what I mean?). 

It was Dylan, who was already cute with his puppy nose and adorable dimples, with a little girl on his lap, watching something from Disney on the flat screen TV he has in his living room. Gummy worms were served in a ceramic bowl, which was a bad choice since children tend to break stuff, but I guess Dylan could get another one anyway.

"Hey!" His face lights up, lifting the little girl from his lap as he sets her down on the floor. He takes her hand, having to bend down as he guides her to me. "This is Genevieve, my little cousin." 

He kneels down as Genevieve looks up to me, smiling as she awkwardly scratches her cheek. "Genevieve, this is Braydon." Dylan says, darting from the little girl by his side to me with the biggest smile on his face. 

This was all too adorable for me, probably more adorable than pinching good ol' Siberian Husky' cheeks. 

She waves at me and I send her a wave back. 

Dylan gets back up and Genevieve walks over to the couch, propping herself up on the edge as she grabs a gummy worm from the bowl and chews on it. He comes to me and gives me a peck on the lips, followed by a tender hug as I breathe in his scent after four days of going without it. It's like he's my drug, something to get me back up again after I've fallen down. "I'm glad you could make it." 

We pull away. "Gen's parents dropped her off since they were heading to Las Vegas fo the day, leaving me to babysit." 

I raise an eyebrow at him. "And you wanted me to suffer with you?" 

He chuckles, bringing his head back. "No-uh. Gen, here." He looks back at the girl. "Wants to go to Disneyland." 

I narrow my eyes, knowing that something's coming although I don't want to believe it. He gets this as he smiles at me. There's no fucking way he can just decide a trip to Disneyland like that. Is this how rich people live? Man, it must be fucking lit. I want to know how it feels like to just fly to England in the snap of a finger.

"We're going." 

I didn't know what to do first, drop my jaw or roll my eyes at him, so I just kind of did both at the same time, making me look like I'm a frustrated medium while a spirit's possessing me, or maybe an exhausted exorcism. 

"Are you serious?" I ask him. 

"Hey," He says. "I'm still leading as the best uncle, I have to keep my reputation up." 

Dylan's scaring me, he can't just give a kid anything they want, that's how you end up with a spoiled teenager or maybe even a manchild. What's next, she's gonna want a pony? Hell, Imma stop Dylan right then and there if he takes a step towards a barn or something, or if he even thinks about it. 

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