Chapter 24 - We Can't Move To This

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[Picture: Jordan Valencia. Video: Let Me Love You - Ariana Grande Ft. Lil Wayne]

It's all beginning to be a little too much. How I'm going to come out to my mom and introduce him to Dylan then, formally as my boyfriend. How I'm going to tell Eric that things between us just can't keep going on. How I need to make it up to my friends for not being around as often as I should. 

I lay awake, four-thirty in the morning when the sun isn't even out yet. I remain still, lying on my back as I face the blank, white ceiling since Dylan's arm was wrapped around my waist, his hand holding on to the side of my body as his nose is nestled on my shoulder. I can't seem to go back to sleep, not with all the rambling that's going on in my head against my will. I guess you really can't run away from all your problems because they'll badger you in the end, often times hindering you from a goal or maybe keeping you up at night. 

I didn't get much sleep, that's for sure but it doesn't matter. What matters more to me was that the boy beside me got his sleep. I turn my head to look at his face, his hair ruffled and messy from his sleep as his mouth slightly parted, the tip of his nose pushed against my shoulder. He's a busy guy and I think I can consider myself pretty damn lucky to be dating someone like him. I get that he's wealthy, but money is no such thing to me when going for a guy. All you need is to captivate me with who you are and not who you're trying to be. I see that in Dylan and I guess it was just a lucky coincidence for him to be running a company. 

I close my eyes in an attempt to go back to sleep but I don't. I just revel in the darkness and the peace, focusing on my breathing so that I don't panic, that I don't wake Dylan up. 

Moments later, I hear Max's footsteps walk by my room, with that I knew that it was already five-thirty in the morning when Dylan should be getting up for work.

With my free hand, I reach over to cup his face, stroking his cheek lightly with my thumb. His skin was soft and his eyes start to flicker after a while. He squints, telling me that his eyes were still feeling heavy, he looks at me and sends me a tired smile only for him to shuffle closer to my body, lacing his legs with mine as he pulls me closer, taking a deep breath. 

"You smell good." He says softly with the groggy voice that sounds just so damn sexy. I chuckle, shifting to lie on my side so that I could face him. The tips of our noses touch and I can feel his torso against mine. He grabs my waist and he pulls it against him, with that thing that happens to guys when they wake up in the morning, it made everything more awkward all of a sudden. 

I cock my chin upwards so that I can place a soft peck on the tip of his nose. He wrinkles his face and smiles, puckering his lips to ask for another one, and I grant his wish. 

"You're going to be late." I whisper. 

He furrows his eyebrows, eyes beginning to shut once more, caving into the fatigue of having to work last night and meeting my family just minutes after that. "I can go in whenever I want."

"Well, I-" I run the tip of my finger up his back, making him shiver. "Have to get ready for school." 

He raises his eyebrows in acknowledgment. "I'll drive you to school." 

I didn't think it was a good idea, but it didn't seem like he could keep awake for a second longer too, so I let him get a few more minutes of rest as I do my thing. He's already pulled himself away from me as I got up, grabbing the comforter as he drags it to his chest. 

_ . _ 

Everyone was looking.

And I mean that everyone was looking. 

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