Chapter 18 - Only You

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[Picture: Dylan James Callaghan. Video: Sweetest Devotion - Adele]

I remember waking up in the middle of the night, Dylan's arm still clutched around me protectively, ready to fight of any nightmares that are going to come for me. I remember being awaken by the fear of something, by something so evil, villainous and wicked. 

I didn't text my parents. 

Carefully without waking the sleeping boy behind me up, I reach for my phone on the nightstand by my side of the bed, unlocking it to see that it was only midnight, and my parents haven't texted me anything yet. I guess they're guessing that I'm at some kind of party right now. I sent them a message when the ball was over so that they'll know that I'm out of school already, telling them that I'll just be out with my friends having fun. Although I am having fun, I'm just with a different person that who my parents think I'm with. I begin typing out my message, sending it to mom, dad, and Max, hearing Dylan groan behind me, shuffling his legs so that he's able to get closer to me. 

To: Mom, Dad, Max Raines.
> I'm at a friend's house, deciding to stay over. I'll be home tomorrow, night, xoxo.

I watch the words from the message bar get dragged inside a green bubble, floating along with it as it stops in a space within the white canvas behind it. Contented, I locked my phone and placed it back on the nightstand, resuming to hold Dylan's hand while I set my head back on the pillow, getting comfortable as well. 

_ . _ 

I wake up to something brushing my cheek, and I flicker my eyes open slowly, letting them adjust to the bright light in the room. I was turned over, laying on my stomach as I face Dylan's side of the bed, half of my face buried within the fluffiness of the pillow. Dylan, still in his white shirt was lying beside me, leaning on one arm as his thumb runs through my left cheek, waking me up delightfully such that I don't want to murder him. I usually feel that way when someone wakes me up from my sleep. Even alarm clocks, the one I have in my room is my eleventh one. 

"Hey," He whispers, smiling as he watches me regain consciousness second by second. 

I groan, still groggy as I feel like I didn't get much sleep. I blink my eyes a couple more times to get used to the feeling of being awake at such and ungodly hour. I see his brown eyes, and I smile. 

"Do you want to work out with me?" He asks, lowering himself down on the bed as he leans on his arm, we gaze at each other happily, the room feeling conveniently cold, so I snuggle the blanket closer to my chest, breathing in as I smell his scent all over it. 


"Do you want to work out with me?" 

"Work out?" 

He nods. 

I groan, wiggling like a worm to get my body closer to his, snuggling my face to his chest as he chuckles and ruffles the back of my head. "What time is it?" 


"Why'd you wake me up at five thirty?" I ask, pinching his lower back as he jumps, thrusting himself forward just to bury me deeper in his body. I feel like a puzzle piece, every slope and curve connected by the two of us. 

He laughs. "Because I usually work out at five thirty!" 

"Are you working today?" 

He places a kiss on the top of my head, hugging me tight to his chest as I'm practically being mushed right now, though I don't mind. "I think I could skip." 

I part myself from his body, lying on my back so that I could stretch my limbs out, still thinking whether or not I should work out with him today. One reason I shouldn't is that we both slept pretty late and I am absolutely in no mood to get up and do any sort of physical activity, my eyes still feeling heavy and having no willpower to get up. One reason I should is that I'd need it, I haven't gone out for my usual jog for a really long time now, since school's been hectic. 

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