Chapter 11 - Believe Me

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[Picture: Braydon Raines. Video: Not In That Way - Sam Smith]

"I really don't think he's into me." 

I'm currently on a Skype call with Ella, waiting for the other bitches to get on their laptops and join the goddamn call. I don't want to have to repeat the reason I called for a meeting again and again, as I predict that that's bound to happen because Ella just asked me what's wrong. 

"Don't overthink it." She tells me, tucking he blonde streaks of hair behind her ear. "You've had girlfriends before too, and now you're gay as ever." 

I pout my lips in agreement. "I only had one, though." 

"Maybe he did, too." 

I cross my legs, taking the laptop off of my lap and onto the space in front of me. It's pretty perfect that I get to use my gadgets when I'm grounded, I'm already a couch potato anyway so I have no problem with it. Ella and I unknowingly run a hand through our hair simultaneously. A box on the screen pops up saying that Astrid's calling to join the conversation. I accept her and her camera plops right in next to Ella's. 

"Sorry, I was watching Jessica Jones." She says, positioning herself on her bed so that she doesn't look like a gorilla. Hey, her words not mine. 

"You are such a nerd, Astrid, you know that?" 

I get an eye roll in return. I'm still wondering whether or not they got that habit from me. 

"So, what's up? Are you guys looking forward to the Deadpool movie?" 

Ella cocks her head to the right. "Dead-what?" 

If I haven't made it clear already, the thing is that Astrid and Ruth are the nerds in our group, and I'm talking Marvel-DC-Harry Potter-Star Wars-Star Trek nerds, well it's only Astrid on those last two. I like to make fun of them because of it, mostly because I'm usually left out of place whenever they start talking about this. Ella, Cassie and I are the ones who are normal. Nah, kidding aside, we don't usually indulge in the same vices as they do (in my case it's boys) but we tend to play along and even watch their nerd movies with them. 

"That's a month away, Astrid." I say, sending arrows towards my phone because it's been taunting me to turn it on for the past hour. What if he texts you and professes his love to you, what if he does it by text? What if he apologizes to you and asks you to hang out next weekend? 

What if he's right outside your door right now carrying a bouquet of flowers texting you, waiting for you to open your front door? 

"A month is quick if you don't think about how long a month is." She argues, shifting to her demon voice she uses every once in a while. 

A box pops up on the Skype call and I press the green button on reflex, keeping my eyes glued on the phone laid face down on the side of the bed. 

Ruth's familiar voice comes through my laptop speakers. "I got stuck in the bathroom." 

I draw in one last, deep breath and I reach for the motherfucker, flipping it around and pressing the goddamn power button until the Apple logo shows up. I aggressively but carefully set on the space beside my laptop, waiting for the lock screen to display. 

"What the fuck do you mean, you got stuck in the bathroom?" Astrid asks as she tries to breathe while laughing, I look at the screen and I already see Ella's body convulsing from laughter. 

"Stop laughing!" Ruth yells.

"You got stuck in the bathroom?" 

She hides her face from the camera, placing both of her hands in front of it. "I don't want to talk about it!" Turning bright red, still visible even though she's covering her face, she starts cackling with us. 

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