Bonus Chapter - Halcyon Days

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[Photo: Dylan James Callaghan. Video: Lost - Shawn Mendes]

Presenting, the main cast of The Tuxedo Man <3 :)

Being in a mall with Eric and Jordan wasn't the thing that should be enough to catch your attention, I've grown closer to the two boys, especially this senior year where the old seniors have gone AKA most of the gentlemen that were in the school v...

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Being in a mall with Eric and Jordan wasn't the thing that should be enough to catch your attention, I've grown closer to the two boys, especially this senior year where the old seniors have gone AKA most of the gentlemen that were in the school varsity. The new guys were fine, but they weren't as adorably protective over me as the last ones were.

The thing that should be enough to catch your attention was that Eric has been single ever since the two of us have been a thing, saying that he doesn't think he'll find the right one anytime soon, that fate wants to keep him waiting. Jordan, however, has still stayed strong with his girlfriend, Meg, almost celebrating their three year anniversary. I, was celebrating my first year of being with Dylan in three days, though, which has been such a fucking roller coaster. Also, Eric was quite over the idea of the two of us being together.

The two boys have grown a lot over the summer, Eric toning up more despite the fact that he's uber-muscular to start with, Jordan trying to catch up with the figure that his teammates have since he was quite the scrawny kid growing up. Dylan and I work out on the times that we can, with us spotting for each other every time we hit the machines and the dumbbells. We refuse from using the shower at the gym as we share the same feeling of being uncomfortable with other people seeing you naked, even though they're straight. Hell, Dylan doesn't have a problem showing off his upper body, but I do.

"I honestly didn't think you'd last this long." Eric huffs, shaking his head as his black hair, with now golden brown highlights follow the motion. "I can't even believe that you guys have been together for one year."

"It's just the jealousy talk." Jordan butts in, waving his Starbucks cup in front of me. "Let it slide."

Eric sends him a glare. "I'm anything but jealous."

"Why did you want us to go with you, anyway?" Eric asks. "Don't you think your girls would have much better ideas at anniversary gifts than we do?"

I roll my eyes. "They're all busy. Like, literally all of them." I sigh. "Anyway, a guy would have a much better idea of what to get another guy than girls do. It's the same thing as trying to decide what to get for your girlfriend on her birthday." I nod over to Jordan. "You won't really have much of a clue."

Eric smiles, biting on the straw of his drink. "So, are you taking him to prom this year?"

I gave him a bitch, what? face. "Who else would I take?"

He takes his eyes off me, darting them to the creamy, brown coffee that he was drinking. "Just asking." He mumbles.

We pass by a large group of girls, reminding me of the Great Bang as they strut around with designer handbags on their arms. The Great Bang has finally parted ways with us, making the school more peaceful than ever as the tension within the senior student body has died down, the whole level feeling like one big, happy family as we revel in the joy of knowing that here, we're all equals now with no one to tell us that we're not worth it just because don't have the luxuries of life that they are able to get.

The Tuxedo Man (boyxboy)[Wattys 2016]Where stories live. Discover now