Chapter 22 - Lost And Found

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[Picture: Braydon Raines done with your shit. Video: Colors (Stripped) - Halsey]

My morning was plagued with thoughts whether or not tonight was the perfect opportunity to come out to my parents. Dylan's coming over and I decided to invite him for dinner with my family, I know it's too early to already be introducing him but I'm not introducing him as my boyfriend, just as someone I know, and I've made it clear to him about that. 

"Do you think I should come out tonight? When Dylan's here?" I ask Max as he backs the car from our garage into the road. The man was already late to class today but he still wanted to drive me to school, so there has to be some ulterior motive to this action of kindness. If he's running late and I ask him to take me to school he tells me to suck it and walk. You know, typical brother stuff.

He shrugs, squinting his eyes from the sunlight before he pulls the cover of the car down. "If you feel like you're ready, then go for it. Just don't take it too quick with Dylan, okay? I don't want you to get hurt." He says, and I'm flattered with what he said. "You're a total pain in the ass to take care of when you're in a mood." 

I sigh, rubbing my fingers along my forehead. I was going to ask him something when he beat me to it. "What do you think of Janie?" 

"She's cool." I answer, looking out the window as we pass by houses and buildings that have become familiar for the past three years. The roads and intersections where I've waited for the light ahead to tell me that it's safe to cross the street. How I had to pull my phone out to prevent waiting being awkward since I knew that the cars could see me, probably judging my outfit of the day. "She's one of the girlfriend's you've had that I actually like." 

He chuckles, remembering how I fucking hated this girl he used to date called Gayle. She was so nice to me at first until I figured out that she was just using me to show off to my own brother, like how she was so protective of me and how she told me that she'd get me whatever I needed in front of him, but as soon as he turned his back she'd just ignore me. What a fucking bitch, and who the fuck spells Gale with a Y? It's fucking pretentious, deal with it.

"I'm thinking she's the one." He smiles, and I look at him as I notice how happy he really looks, like he's hit the jackpot or won the lottery. "We really click." 

"Well," I say ."She is the first girl you've dated for this long, your relationships usually break up within two to three months. She's a cool person, a real keeper and I think it would be great if you keep things up with her." 

We near the school gates, and I already see Ella and Astrid walking together towards the main doors, I whip my phone out and text them to wait for my ass before the enter. Max comes to a stop and I get out, carrying my bag with me, dreading for the moment Eric finds me and eventually he's going to steal it from me, thinking that I'm seeing no one else, thinking that I'm being completely loyal to him and waiting to see if things between us would work. I still don't know how to solve this problem I have with him, which is why I'm meeting up with Jordan later. 

"Do you think I should have Janie over for dinner too?" He asks.

I immediately bend down so that our eyes would meet over the window, sending him the most threatening glare in the world that I could get arrested for it. "Do not steal my fucking spotlight tonight. I'll fuck you up if I see her in the house later." 

He smiles and nods me off, getting the message. 

I hang on to my bag tight, feeling my heart beat fast as I see the group of boys Eric hangs out with pass the doors. Smiles decorated their faces as I think they're still sharing stories of events that occurred during the ball, and I know half of those stories are of them banging their girls. It's none of my business, they get to do what they want with their lives as long as it doesn't concern me. 

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