Chapter 25 - I Know You Care

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[Picture: Dylan James Callaghan. Video: 7 Years - Lukas Graham]

After taking the bus so that I could stop by my house, dropping my bag off, I called a cab to take me to Dylan's office. 

I don't think I could wait until he gets home and picks me up and besides, he's a busy man, wanting to hang out with him right after work would just exhaust him again. So I guess it would be the better option to go and see him myself. I might be wrong. 

As I get there, I never really expected to see a lot of people. Men and women in formal suits and dresses hurried by the street, carrying designer bags as they talk into their phones. This was a business area, that idea only sinking in after I've stayed still in the same spot for thirty seconds. I look up to see the end of the building, making sure if this was the right tower that I remember Dylan taking me to. After all, if I'm wrong, I can always just go back home. 

I gently push through the glass doors, noticing that every single person in the room was occupied. A man was sitting in the lounge, looking through the papers that were filed neatly on his lap, licking his thumb as he goes through them one by one, probably making sure if he's brought everything he needs. He's probably in for an interview for a job, his jawline was chiseled and sharp, his eyes gleaming bright brown as the sun shines on them. He reminded me of Eric, after realizing that I began to step forward towards the front desk, where a blonde-haired girl was sitting, eyes glued to the screen in front of her before she looks up at me. 

"How may I help you, sir?" Her eyes were uncomfortable as if she was about to question something. Take note that I'm probably the only one here not quite dressed for the place, so it was probable for her to assume that I was lost and going to ask for some directions. I see her eyes dart down to the shirt I was wearing, topped over by a denim jacket to keep me warm from the temperature outside. It felt comfortable inside so the whole building is probably centralized to keep it's employees comfortable in any weather. Smart. 

"Uhh," I stutter, my fingers tapping on the black marble. "I'm here to see Dylan Callaghan?" 

She brings her eyes back down to the screen, typing something quickly before looking back up at me. "What time is your appointment?" 

"Oh, I don't have one." I tell her, shifting my weight from one foot to another awkwardly. "I kind of-um, know him personally." 

Once again, she looks down at the screen and types something crazy fast that makes me think about how long she's had this job for. No one would be typing that fast without years of practice, it's either she really likes being at the front desk or there's just something wrong with her that she can't get promoted. "Are you in Sir Callaghan's contact list?" 

I bite my lips, about to back out but on impulse, I tell her that I am. "I should be-uh, it's Braydon Raines." 

She didn't look at me while asking the question and I see her eyes dart from one side of the screen to another, not bothering to look down at the keyboard as her fingers scatter around, the sounds of the clicking seems to be what fills the first floor. "Alright, I found you." 

I let out a breath of relief, letting myself calm down as I regain my posture, my fingers come to a halt, giving the marble some rest. Finally, her eyes meet with mine. "Would you like me to notify Sir Callaghan about your visit?" 

"No." I answer with a smile. "I want to surprise him." 

She nods, tapping one last time on her screen, which would explain why I couldn't find a mouse anywhere. Damn this building is evolved as fuck. "Sir Callaghan's office is on the eleventh floor." 

I nod, thanking her before I walk away. 

The majority of the building was glass, which made me worry about the safety of the people working here. Considering the advancements that Dylan has made since his father's regime, it's most likely bulletproof glass or maybe something even stronger that would withstand an earthquake since the state of California is really prone to that. It was beautiful, despite everything that I've thought, it would allow the sun to seep through inside the building which would make the workers feel more comfortable, allowing them to not feel like as though they're trapped in a cage. A man with blonde hair pulled back into a man-bun was already waiting by the elevator, a light beard growing along his jaw. He catches me, eyeing me from head to toe as he sends me a half-assed smile. We were both going up, great. 

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