Chapter 12 - Dead In The Water

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[Picture: Dylan James Callaghan. Video: Send My Love (To Your New Lover) - Adele ]

Waking up next to your brother was fairly weird, specially if you'd wake up a couple of times in the night because he unconsciously keeps on pulling you in to cuddle or to spoon. I guess we did share the love for cuddle-buddies even though we aren't related by blood. 

After getting breakfast, showering and changing, all without waking Max up, I'm now dressed in navy blue jeans, black sneakers, and a sort-of-baggy white shirt. I'm guessing Max doesn't have any classes today this early, otherwise he would've set an alarm, so I decide to let him sleep in, no matter how much I despise the idea of him sleeping in my bed. It's mine, and I don't really like sharing what's mine. 

I get out of the room, slowly and quietly making my way downstairs to see mom brisk-walking through the kitchen and past me with a water bottle in one hand and a paper bag and her shoes in another. Hurrying, she places both things on the coffee table as she wears her shoes on the sofa. "Is your brother still asleep?" 

"Mhhm." I nod, digging my phone out of my pocket as I realize that I haven't checked it this morning. I look down, seeing that there are no texts, only notifications from my YouTube app saying that this person has posted this video. Sigh, I need more friends.

I've always been looking for people, or even just someone up to text all night, no matter what the topic. Someone who'll always be there whenever I text them first, or someone who'll always text me first. Someone who'll be with me in awkward family lunches through text, and someone who'll be my getaway call whenever I'm on a bad date. But let's be real, I've have dates so rarely that I haven't encountered one. I wouldn't call my first dinner with Dylan a bad date, I mean, I got free food from a star-restaurant. 

Today marks my first day of officially getting over Dylan James Callaghan. I've been so head over heels for him that I'm now admitting that during that one Physics class at school, I daydreamed about how our wedding would go, how all of my girls would be "groomsmaids", somehow sneaking Mason into that title as he stands with the girls dressed in white. The kiss we share at the altar surely wouldn't be our first, and it wouldn't be our last too. Somehow, I pictured that my parents would be there, giving me a hint that they'd be totally okay with one of their sons being gay. Even though Max and I technically don't share the same genes, he can still pass on the family name. People would know at least one Raines in their life, I guarantee you that. 

I'm not going to be texting him first, and doing so would admit defeat, and girl if you didn't already know, I don't do well with losing. I'm such a competitive person that I might literally do everything just to win a challenge or an event, no matter how small or great the prize is. Wrestle a bear for a pepperoni hot pocket, you are on. 

"I figured I'd let him rest." I tell her, quite hinting that she'd drive me to school today, as Max usually does when he isn't in school already by the time I'd leave. 

She gets up, letting out a huff of breath as she carries her bag and lunch with her to the door. "I wish I could drive you, honey, but I'm already late to work." She grabs her keys and points a finger up and down to me. "You could use the exercise, walk to school." 

Before she shuts the door on me, I manage to shoot a couple of arrows of Really, mom? with my eyes. I pat all four of my pockets to make sure I'm not forgetting anything; phone, wallet, keys, check. 

"Morning." A deep, hoarse voice greets me, and the muscular figure of my brother comes into my peripheral view. He massages the bridge of his nose as he descends the steps of the stairs. 

I grab my bag, slinging it over my right shoulder. "I could walk to school today." 

I see him furrow his eyebrows and purse his lips as if I said something bewildering. Chill, bro, I only suggested walking to school. Why does walking seem to be such a controversial topic today? Are we really that close to Wall-E that people are going to look at you weirdly if you say Oh I'm walking today?  "Too bad, I'm taking you." He says groggily. 

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