Chapter 28 - I Do What I Love

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[Picture: Max Raines and Janie Austin. Video: Mirror Haus - Lindsey Stirling]

I gripped on the handle of my violin case, looking down at its black matte covering with white accent lines running through the edges of the case. My legs shook and my hands felt cold despite being in a suit drenched in body spray. 

We stood outside Royce Hall with the beautiful triad arcs topping one another, the two brick pillars mightily standing on opposite sides. I looked up regardless of the blazing sun, my eyes taking in every detail of the architecture. I feel someone's hand clutch mine, immediately knowing it was Dylan's. His hand was the perfect balance between smooth and rough, his fingers feeling so familiar to me I could recognize his hand in the dark. 

"You're gonna be great." He whispers, leaning down to my ear as he places a kiss on my temple. I breathe in, my heart racing as I watch students and teachers walking to the entrance. They're going to be the audience I'll be playing to tonight and they seemed intimidating for no reason. 

The students walked with their friends, smiling with some laughing as they make hand gestures to accompany the story they're telling. These students weren't exclusively music students, which is what I'm going to be soon enough, but they could be anyone. They could be majoring in engineering and still watch the performance tonight. 

I muster the courage to take the first few steps towards the gorgeous building, towering over the campus like the other pieces of art scattered in the school grounds. We take the path beside the walls of the buildings, walking past the hall's main doors as we head for the backstage. Carefully making my way up the metal stairs, each step ringing as my shoes clatter upon them, I placed my hand on the railing just in case I would fall. I didn't want to take the risk of my violin falling down before a performance. Tuning is a motherfucker when you've replaced a string and it's minutes before the curtain call. 

Backstage, the other performers hurry through the white, busy halls. There were shut doors marked with names I wasn't familiar with, walking past make-up artists. I spot who could probably be the stage manager, judging from the headpiece he has with one earpiece and microphone placed right in front of his mouth. He had his hair combed down as some strands hung down his forehead, masking his eyes as he wrote something on the clipboard he was holding. 

Turning the corner, Janie appears with her recently dyed blonde hair flowing with her every step. She smiles as she sees all of us, mom, dad, Max and Dylan. 

"Janie!" I attempted to say enthusiastically only for it to come out exasperated, seeming losing my voice to the hesitant feeling that was engulfing my chest. This would happen every time I had a performance, there would be a moment when I'd contemplate backing out, just wanting to cancel last minute even though I was backstage with my instrument in hand. I never caved to the feeling, leading to myself finding control over the urge to drop everything. I willed myself to go on, to take every step towards the center of the stage and play. 

She opens her arms and I hug her with one hand, my other occupied with carrying my violin case. "I'm glad you could make it." She says, rubbing my back before she pulls away. "You are going to be amazing." She smiles. 

She makes her way to Max, sharing a quick peck with him before she see's Dylan, cocking her head to the side. "We haven't met." She says, extending a hand. 

Dylan smiles, taking the gesture as they share a handshake. "Dylan, I'm Braydon's boyfriend." 

"Oh!" She exclaims, looking back at me with her wide, hazel eyes, a smile occupying the bottom half of her face. She returns to Dylan, cupping his face with one hand. "You're so cute!" 

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