Chapter 3:Last Day

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For me, today is the day that every kid looks forward to. The last official day.

We have to come back for graduation practice and stuff but after today we'll never sit in a classroom at Eastside High to learn.

I sat there after I finished my paper and stared at Kelly at the front of the class where she always sits for every class. No doubt the reason for that was so she didn't get distracted and so she wouldn't miss anything.

Her strategy obviously works because she is so smart. Her grades are most times really good. When she gets bad grades, which isn't often, I know because whenever she collects the paper a deep frown covers her beautiful face.

Right now however, she's trying to suppress a smile because she has just finished her final high school exam.

She goes through the paper twice after she finishes and I find myself doing it too. I also smile when she smiles because she's just so damn beautiful.

I don't know why the hell I haven't told her about my feelings for her yet, after all this time. 'Cause I'm an idiot that's why.

She looks around and I look away before she can catch me staring at her. When I look back at her she's looking at me with a smile. I smile back and then she gives me a cheerful thumbs up and my smile turns into a grin. Then she looks straight ahead again. But I still sit there grinning at her like a fool.

"Soooo how it?" She asks when we step out of the classroom "easy right?"

"Well I wouldn't say easy, but it was definitely manageable." She laughs then says
"It's our last day can you believe this is it?! I still can't"

Then I reply "Yea seems like just yesterday I was eating your crayons in kindergarten."

She lets out a big laugh which causes her to stop and hold on to my arm for support because her knees seem weak. I laugh along with her.

" remember that?! seemed to really love the green one... I had nothing to colour the grass with." She says between laughs.

I'm really glad that I brought it up cause I get too see her smile and hear her laugh.

After her laughing fit she has tears in her eyes and I want to wipe them away with my thumb. But I don't.

"My mom won't be here until around 3 and it's only 1:30. Do you wanna go get smoothie around the corner with me? It's on me." she asks me a question I only thought I'd hear in my dreams.

"Yeah sure" I say trying not to grin like an idiot.
"Okay, come on" she says then holds my hand and pulls me towards the café, which sends a surge of electricity through my whole body.

On our way out we encounter people asking both of us to sign year books and take pictures. We also tell people, who we might never see again, goodbye.

A\N: Writing from a boy's POV is kind of challenging. I hope it's not too bad. I can't wait for Kelly's POV. Thanks for reading guys. xoxo

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