Chapter 4:His Rough Past

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Kelly's POV
Trey and I are on our way to Sparks café to have a smoothie. I might as well get to know him a little better since he's going to be living with me for a while.

It's so unfortunate that this happened to them. They're such nice people. His mom basically raised me along with my parents. I think maybe Trey has a little crush on me because I always see him staring at me at school.

I won't bring that up though because I'm not sure about it. I think he's really cute and he's so muscular which I've always found attractive. I always see him working out shirtless in the school gym with the rest of the basketball team when I have tennis.

"So you guys saved nothing from the fire?" I ask.

"No, I only grabbed my phone to call the fire department but that's all I could grab. The fire was just so big and the smoke was so thick and black we had to get outta there." He tells me with a frown.

"Oh,that's too bad." I say just as we step into Spark's café.

"What flavour do you want?" I ask with a smile attempting to cheer him up.

"Blueberry" he answers immediately
" I love Blueberry too," I say " but my favourite is fruit punch."

Trey finds us some seats in the nearly full,tiny building. I order a fruit punch and a blueberry smoothie then collect it at the counter.

I hand Trey his then take a sip of mine after I take a seat. I moan as the delicious cold beverage goes down my throat. Trey looks up from his drink with widened eyes at my erotic sound and I can't help but laugh.

" Sorry, but this is really good" I apologize

"Mhmm" he agrees while sipping his drink.

"May I ask you something?" I break the silence.

"Sure ..go ahead" he says after licking his lips which almost makes me forget my question.

"Uh.. Where's your dad?"

He sighs sadly before he answers and I know it won't be a good one.

"Well you know, typical story, he walked out on my mom when I was 9. Haven't seen him since. I'm glad he's gone though. I would have probably killed him already if he was still around treating my mom and I like crap." He looks down at the table. He sighs before continuing.

"He used to get high and drunk almost every night before he came in and when she asked him where he was he got mad and.... and started throwing stuff, and when he hit her, I came down to try and stop the fight but I got hit too. With his belts, the broom, anything he found basically. I always..."
He stops talking when he looks up and sees tears in my eyes.

"Hey, that was like 10 years ago, the past. He's out out of my life now. Stop crying...please" He says while offering me his napkin.

"Thanks," I say while wiping my tears. "I'm glad he's out of your lives. Sounds like he was horrible.
"He was." Trey says while frowning.

"I'm sorry for making you bring all that shit up." I say.

"It's alright" he assures me just as my phone rings.

"Hey mom, we're at Spark's Café around the corner from school...Yeah....okay." I hang up and say to Trey "Let's go outside, mom's coming to pick us up."
We stand outside for a little while and talk about what it'll be like living in the same house.

It'll be great having company all the time. My mom arrives and we get in the car and she asks us about our day before driving off.

A\N: Remember to vote and leave positive comments :-) . Trey's father is so evil isn't he?Keep reading guys :-* xoxo

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