Chapter 5:Movie Night

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After hearing about Trey's sad past, I can't help but feel sorry for him.

How could someone do that to a kid? What kind of man would put his hand on a woman that way? A weak, terrible kind. Ms Bryan and Trey did absolutely nothing to deserve what he did to them.

This is the first time I've ever hated someone I've never met but I can't help it. I'm about to watch a movie and I think I'm going to invite Trey to come and watch it with me.

I knock on his door, "Trey?" I call. He opens the door almost immediately.

"Hey, what's up?" He asks.

"I was wondering if you wanted to watch a movie with me. I mean if you're not busy."

"No, I was bored out of my mind in there" he says and I laugh.

"Okay come on." I take his hand and pull him to the living room. "You can pick the movie, I'll go make us some popcorn."

"Alright" he says.

After I put the popcorn in the microwave, I get two glasses and a large bottle of apple juice. When I get back Trey is still looking through the pile of movies.

"See anything you wanna watch?" I ask

"Yea, how 'bout this?" He asks holding up "Fast and Furious 7".

"Okay" I say even though I watched it a few weeks ago I fell asleep during it last time anyways. This time I'll watch it through to the end.

"I put a lot of butter on your popcorn, hope you don't mind." I tell him.

"Nah, that's how I like it." He smiles. He really does have a nice smile, with perfect teeth.

I put in the movie and hand Trey a glass then pour out some juice for him, then for myself. I turn off the lights then sit on the large couch while Trey sits the smaller armchair to my left.

"I don't bite you know." I say and pat the space next to me. He laughs lightly before coming over.

During the movie I catch Trey staring at me then looking away when I catch him a few times. Just as he does at school. I laugh at something funny in the movie then he does it again. I have to ask.

"Why do you always do that?"

"Do what?" He asks

"Look at me that way."

"I..well..uh I" he stutters looking a bit embarrassed
I have to chuckle at how adorable he is right now.

"If there's something you want to tell me, you should."

"I.. well," he sighs then closes his eyes as if saying "it's now or never" then says "Because I think that you're really beautiful." he says and I swoon.

"Well thanks Trey. That's sweet of you to say....I think you're really handsome."

I tell him with a smile. He smiles as well. Wow, that smile though. How come I didn't notice it before?

"Isn't this the part where you pretend to yawn and stretch to put you're around me like in the movies?" I ask jokingly.

He laughs before saying "Oh that's right" then stretches dramatically before resting his arm on my shoulders, which makes me laugh.

I fill my mouth with popcorn then go back to watching the movie. When the movie was almost over I began feeling really sleepy so I sit a little further out on the couch and rest my head on the back of it.

"Tired?" He asks.

"Yeah a little."

"You can lean on me if you want." He says, and so I rest my head on his muscular shoulder.

"Hey, movie’s over" Trey says while touching my arm to wake me up. I don't even remember falling asleep.

"Oh," I say, before suppressing a yawn. "I'd watch another one with you but I'm just so tired. Another time okay?" I promise him.

"Okay" he says.

"You can stay and watch something else if you want to" I tell him.

"No, I wouldn't even be able to stay up through the first scene" he says. So I turn off the TV and the DVD player and we both go upstairs. When we reach my room door we exchanged  goodnights before I stepped inside.

I go to my ensuite bathroom to brush my teeth before going to bed. While laying there I smile while recalling Trey's sweet confession. And that smile.

A\N:Vote and comment guys :-* xoxo

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