Chapter 28: Why you mad?

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Trey's POV

I wake up feeling disoriented and nauseous. I am sweating like I just ran a marathon and my body feels way too warm.

I don't remember falling asleep. It must've happened while I was watching the movie with Melissa.

I checking the time on my phone and it's 12:00 the next day. I slept that long? That's weird, I usually wake up much earlier.

I wonder how Kelly's doctor appointment went. I'm surprised that she didn't come to wake me up.

My head spins a bit as I walk to the bathroom and I feel sick. My temperature is too high. I think I got sick from being in the rain yesterday.

Maybe a cold shower will make me feel better.

Kelly's POV

I can't believe he hasn't even tried to talk to me. I don't want to hear anything he has to say to me, but it still hurts that he hasn't tried. It simply means that he doesn't care.

Melissa left earlier this morning without saying a word to me. That was smart of her, because if she did I'd rip her lips off, or at least attempt to.

I find it hard to believe that he'd do that to me. I just don't understand why. Why did he even bother telling me that he loved me, which was obviously a lie. The only explanation that makes sense to me is that he only wanted me for sex.

Tears begin to fall from my burning eyes again. This is all I've been doing all night. Sitting up in bed, crying my eyes out. Not over Trey because he disgusts me. I've been crying because of how naïve and stupid I've been these past few weeks to let myself fall for a guy like him. I keep telling myself that I couldn't have known his real intentions, but I still feel stupid. I was so caught up with him that I didn't see what he was doing, using me for my body.

I've gotta give him props though, he's one hell of an actor.

A knock on my door breaks my chain of thought. I wipe my swollen eyes to rid them of any tears before going to the door.

When I open it and see that it's him, the feeling of hurt and disappointment is replaced by anger.

"Hey baby." He says with a smile. Did he seriously just smile at me? This asshole!

"Have you been crying." He asks and his face falls. If I didn't know better I'd think he was genuinely ignorant about what happened yesterday.

"What the fuck do you want." I ask through my teeth.

"Kelly, what.. baby are you okay?" He asks with a look of confusion on his stupid face. He steps towards me and I push his chest and slap him hard across the face. He raises his hand to rub his cheek and his fake confused expression is now mixed with fake hurt.

"You better stay the hell away from me as long as you're here or I swear to God I will have my dad throw you out on your sorry ass." I slam the door in his face before I lean my back against it and slide down and release more tears.

That boy deserves an Oscar, truly.

Trey's POV

She slapped me. I can't believe she just slapped me in the face.

What the hell was that about! She warns me to stay away from her and slams the door.

I have never been so confused in my entire life. I stand in front of the door, contemplating whether or not to knock again and demand that she tells me what that was about.

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