Chapter 22: Water Bodies

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"I'm so excited. I haven't been on my dad's boat since I was fifteen." I tell Trey. I convinced my dad to let him come with us, so my excitement has multiplied.

"You're gonna love it, the view is so beautiful."

"I'm sure it's great." He responds.

"Yeah, it is. Come on." I say excitedly and pull him by his hand through the door. I let go when we reach the bottom of the stairs.

"Dad! We're ready." I yell.

"He's outside putting the fishing gear in the car darling." My mom answers from the breakfast table.

"Bye mom." I kiss her cheek before heading outside with Trey close by.

"Ready to go?" Dad asks.

"Yes, we are." I reply.

"Well then let's go." He says as he climbs into the driver's seat.
Then we are on our way.

"Have you applied for any colleges yet Kelly?" Dad asks.

"Yeah, I put in my application for NYU a few days ago. I hope I get accepted."

"You're an excellent student, you were valedictorian, of course you'll be accepted, don't worry."

"Thanks dad."

"And what about you, Trey? You applied to NYU too?"

"Uh, no actually. I'm not going to college." He replies.

"Is that so. Why not?" My father asks.

"Well first of all, I don't think
my mom can afford to send me, and I need to get a job anyway so I can take care of both of us."

"Is there a specific career that you're interested in?" My father asks.

"Yeah, I'd like to get into construction. A few weeks ago I met with two companies. They said they'd call but neither of them have." He says while gazing through the window.

"Which two companies?" My dad questions.

"Stuart's and Gordon's" Trey replies.

"I just so happen to know the manager of Gordon's, The company I work for is their insurance company. I'll put in a few good words for you."

Trey's head turns quickly to look at my dad with a look of hope and gladness.

"That would be incredible, 'Cause I really need a job. I'd appreciate it.

"Then I'll call them later on."

Trey smiles,"Thank you."

"It's no problem."

I could hug my dad right now for this. I could tell that Trey really wanted this job. I knew that all those times he glanced at his phone and put it back down immediately with a sigh, he was looking out for the call. And now my dad's trying to make it happen. I really hope it does.

When we get on the boat, I run to the boat's balcony pulling Trey along.
"You've gotta see this."
"Isn't it beautiful?" I.ask in a dazed tone gazing at the seemingly endless blue ocean.

"Yeah, it is." He says before focusing his gaze on me. "But all beautiful things pale in comparison to you baby."

"Aww Trey. You say the sweetest things." I smile. I'd kiss you but.." I gesture towards my dad.

"Later." He says with a wink and my insides tingle.
Yes, definitely later.

"Trey, can I get a hand with this fishing gear please." My dad calls.

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