Chapter 16: Be Mine

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While we're discussing outfits, make up, and dates for prom, Trey walks in as if on cue with a basketball under his arm and a gym bag in hand.

"Hey." He says.

We all greet him together. Then he asks "Is my mom back yet?"

"Yeah, I think she's about to start dinner." I reply.

Since he stepped into the room, my friends haven't stopped looking at him with that "We know what y'all were doing." look. It's embarrassing.

"Oh okay, Imma go help her then." He states.

"How sweet." Taijera says.

He gives us one last smile before heading into the kitchen.

"I like him." Shantony says "You can tell how a guy will treat you by looking at the way he treats his mother. And he treats his mom well."

"That's right, and he's hot and I know he ain't an idiot 'cause his grades weren't bad at all." Olivia adds.

"I like him too." I say quietly. " just wish we had met sooner."

"Well he's here now. It's up to you to take advantage of the opportunity." Katryce advises.

Oh I will , trust me. I say in my head.

"Are you guys staying for dinner?" I ask them.

They all agree to stay, except for Olivia who says "I don't wanna eat now and ruin my appetite on my date." with a ear to ear grin on her face.

She has been with her boyfriend, Kimo for a year now. She's really in love for the first time and I'm so happy to see her this way. I always use to catch glimpses of her grinning like a mad woman in our classes and marking the letter K on her desk and her hand and in her books.

"Where's he taking you?" I ask.

"Well we're going to have dinner at a restaurant that I suggested, then we're going to watch Addicted at his house."

"Good movie choice, It'll set the right mood." Shanise says raising and lowering her eyebrows suggestively and making us all laugh. Olivia blushes, which she rearly does. I know for sure that she has something special with Kimo and I hope it lasts.

"Guys stop." She says and I put her out of her misery by changing the topic.

"What are you wearing?" I ask.

"A little black dress." She says, still smiling.

"Oh, well just remember to use protection, okay?" I tease and they laugh.

"Ugh! Stop it guys." Olivia says in an annoyed tone.

"What time is he picking you up?" Taijera asks her.

"6:00" she tells us "so I'll have to leave soon to start getting ready."

As she ends her sentence Trey walk in and says "Excuse me, my mom told me to ask if you're all staying for dinner."

"All but one." I reply. My friends are still looking at him that way.

" 'Kay" he says then walks back into the kitchen.

"I love a man that can cook." Taijera says when he leaves.

While they are having a conversation about characteristics that their dream guys must have, I find myself daydreaming about what will happen the next time Trey and I are alone together.

"What's up with Smiley Cyrus over there." I hear Trudy say and immediately wipe the smile off my face.

"You're thinking about it aren't you?"

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