Chapter 1

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Beep beep beep

Peridot grunted and sat up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. She glanced at her clock: 6:30am, just enough time to get ready and leave for school. She stood up, placing her glasses on her nose and stretching. Peridot ran a hand through her messy blonde hair, trying to neaten it up but failing. She had no time to brush it, she had to get to school as early as possible.

The blonde walked to the bathroom, brushing her teeth and whatnot before changing into a dark green hoodie and jeans. She trudged downstairs, turning off her bedroom light and making herself some cereal. She didn't have much time to eat either. Cereal was a good choice of food. Peridot shoveled the cereal into her mouth, constantly checking the time on her phone.

6:45, she had 15 minutes to get to school. She threw her bowl into the sink and pulled on her green converse. Grabbing her backpack, she exited the house and into her car.

Peridot set her phone on the seat next to her, checking the time once more before starting the car. It was the first day back at school since summer and Peridot couldn't afford to be late. She hated being late, even if it meant arriving at school half an hour earlier than everyone else. There was another reason why she loved being early; she had the school practically to herself. It was so calming sitting alone in the library with no one around, just studying.

It was, after all, Peridots last year in high school and she was super excited to get this year over and done with so she could get on with life. Her goal was to build robots for a living, something she had wanted to do ever since she was little. Peridot glanced at her phone. 7:00. She smiled as she saw the school up ahead and pulled into the car park. She stepped out and picked up her bag and phone before trudging into the building. The blonde made her way up to the library, sitting down on one of the plush beanbags placed around the reading area and getting out her old maths book. She flicked to the right page and started reading.

Yes, it was only the start of the year, but she had a lot of time on her hands and she loved maths. Better to start studying as soon as possible. Who knew when the teacher would start the random tests and quizzes. So yes, peridot was a nerd, possibly the biggest in the entire school. She was your typical cliché nerd as well, no friends, super smart and into dumb video games.

The bell broke peridot out of her little daydream and she got up, sliding the book into her bag and walking to her first period. She had been given a timetable when she arrived and had already started studying it as well. She knew she had maths first, which was good because it was one of her favourite lessons, as well as tech. She arrived in the classroom as soon as the first bell stopped ringing, placing herself at the back of the classroom and getting out her equipment. After a few minutes, other people started to pile in, people Peridot recognised from her older classes.

Finally, after waiting for another five minutes, the chatter died down and the teacher walked in, a tall female with short hair. She gazed over the class then sat down by her computer. She opened up the register and started calling names.

"Lapis?" The teacher stopped, looking up from the computer. "Lapis lazuli?" After no one answered, she shrugged and scrolled down to the next person.

Lapis. That name sounded familiar. Suddenly it clicked and Peridot looked up with wide green eyes. Lapis was the girl who set the fireworks off in the canteen, with help from Jasper, Peridots personal bully. She had been there when Lapis had walked in with a massive box, and Jasper with a lighter. They had set up in the middle of the canteen, for all eyes to see. One had hit a dinner lady and Lapis had almost gotten expelled. Instead, she got suspended for a month and Jasper, three weeks. Now she was back and Peridot did not feel safe with her being in her class.

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