chapter 5

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Camilas pov.

When I woke up the next morning Lauren was no where to be seen. I slowly sat up and looked around my room and seen that their was no longer a mirror in my room. I wrinkled my eyebrows and walked around my room and realized all of my pencils, paperclips, scissors and personal products were now moved or missing. Carefully I walked down the hall and down the stairs to the living room where Lauren was sitting in the couch starting at a box. Her black hair was down and a mess and she looked like she had gotten no sleep.

"Lauren?" I said but she didn't move. I walked over to her and looked in the box and seen every knife, and razor in the house in the box along with the stuff that was missing from my room.

"What are you doing?" I asked and she turned to look at me and grabbed my hands.

"I won't be responsible for your death. Don't you ever try to take your own life again." She said as tears fell down her face. She pulled me into a bone crushing hug and held into me like I was a rich jewel.

"I won't Lauren I promise." I said and she let go of me and wiped her tears away. She stood up and offered me her hand.

"Come on." She said and pulled me into the kitchen she sat me down at the table and turned to the fridge.

"We're not going for a run today?" I asked and she shook her head no.

"You haven't eaten in four days if I took you for a run you would collapse." Lauren said and grabbed out some eggs.

"Will you eat eggs and toast?" She asked and I nodded my head.

"Yeah, but I can cook my self." I said.

"No, after the way I treated you I don't want you to do a thing for me. I want you to relax all day and not do anything please." She begged and I smiled and thanked her. Lauren moved around the kitchen adding spices to the eggs that weren't typical for eggs. I laughed figuring she didn't know how to cook but I guess it's the thought that counts.

" I'm going to go brush my teeth. " I said and went to stand up but she quickly grabbed my hand.

"You are not to go in a bathroom by your self till I can learn to trust that you won't do something stupid."

"Why do you care Lauren? We're not really together." I said and her green eyes had a ping of hurt in them.

"Your're living on my house." She said and I scruffed.

"So your going to take away my rights."

"No I'm going to make sure you stay alive"

" why do you care?" I asked and she grabbed both of my hands and squeezed them in a caring manner.

"Because I refuse to lose someone that is showing me how to feel again." I looked deep into her green eyes and I could tell that she is really trying. I could see the pain from the loss of her daughter and I could also see a glimmer of hope in her eyes.

"OK, then will you accompany me in Brushing our teeth?" I asked and Lauren let go of my hands and turned off the stove. We walked up stairs to my bathroom and I quickly added a pea size drip of toothpaste to my tooth brush

"Did your parents hurt you?" my eyes widened and I ignored her and continued to brush my teeth. Once I rinsed my mouth out I smiled at Lauren and she gave me a small one back.

" is it still to soon to talk about these questions? " she asked and I grabbed her hand and hugged her.

"My mom was verbally abusive. She never hit me but she always made sure to comment on everything I had done. My father was not a good person. He was a drunken drug addict. He would lock me in my room for days And starve me. Then when I would get out he would beat me because the house was a mess, he would break beer bottles and cut my arms. He would constantly tell me I was a useless mistake and I should just jump off a bridge. He beat me so bad one time that I broke my arm because he threw me down the stairs. They made me drop out of school so I don't have a education. My parents were bad people and I swear if I ever have kids they will not be around alcohol or drugs and if I can help it they won't be around people who don't love them. I don't want my kids to experience life the way I did." I said as we laid down on my bed. Lauren kept her distance from me but scooted closer when she seen tears threatening to spill from my eyes.

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