chapter 27

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Camilas pov

After three outfit changes, six feedings and two hours of sleep my alarm clock went off signaling that it is six in the morning. I quickly shut it off and looked over at the kids and they were still sound asleep. I let out a sigh of relief and gathered some clothes for the twins. I took some dippers and wipes and put  them in the bag then grabbed a pair of yoga pants and a T-shirt for me. I walked in my bathroom and put my hair up into a ponytail and I  heard a soft cry come from my room. I sat down on the edge if my bed and picked up Raegan. Her little arms stretched out and she was letting out soft screams. I laid her down in the bed and un buttoned her shirt. I heard a knock on my door and looked up and seen Myla standing by my door.

"What are you doing up so early baby?" I asked and myla walked in with  some  running shorts and a shirt with her gym shoes on.

"I go with you." She said and I smiled at her. I looked over at Lauren and she was peacefully asleep on her side if the bed.

"Fine go get some water and the bottles for them." I told her and her face lit up and she quickly exited the room. I changed my daughter and then laid back to feed her

"Lo. Lo wake up." I said and pushed her shoulder lightly.

"What." She said and pulled the blanket over her her head.

"I'm going for a run, do you want to come with me or stay in bed and think about the shit you said to me last night." I asked and she pulled the covers down and gave me a sad smile.

"To be honest I dont remember saying much." She to me and I scruffed and she sat up in the bed and grabbed her head.

"Your Advil is beside you." I told her and she rolled  over and took the two small blue pills.

"I'm sorry I didn't even wake up for them last night. The first night is the hardest." she told me and I nodded my head and focused on Raegan.

"Yeah and with no help and not knowing what to do and why they are crying it's so much harder." I told her and she laid her head on my shoulder and ran her finger over Raegans face.

"I'm sorry." She said and I sighed.

"You were drunk Lauren. It was the first night they were home and you came back so drunk you didn't even clame them as yours. You said you couldn't have kids with a whore and they were probably your buddies kids. You know I hate alcohol and yet you get drunk Everytime we have a problem. I can't live like that Lo. Fix your drinking problem or I'm taking my kids and leaving. I dont want them growing up around alcohol, and you shouldn't want to make them have to live a life with a alcoholic mother." I told her and started to burp the child.

"Your holding her wrong." Lauren said changing the conversation and I scruffed and continued to Pat her back.

"It's how I have been doing it all night." I told her and she sighed and got up and went to the bathroom. I put her back in her bascinet and woke up my sleeping son. I changed him and fed him as Lauren walked down stairs.
When I finished with him I put my bra on and slid the dipper bag over my head and picked up the twins. I walked down stairs and huffed because I realized that I had to get the stroller out of the closet.

"Do you need help?" Lauren asked and as much as I wanted to tell her no I nodded my head and passed them off to lauren. I went to the closet and grabbed out the double stroller that Lauren bought and un closed it.

"Shouldn't you do that out side because it's not going to fit through the door." Lauren said and I huffed and closed it back and walked outside and down the stairs. I opened it back up and put the dipper bag under the the seats and turned around and Lauren was standing behind me.

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