chapter 13

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Camilas POV.

When I woke up and the ocean around us was a bright blue and there were fish swimming over head. I rolled over and seen that Lauren was still sleeping. I looked down at my naked body that was covered by the thin white sheet and smiled at the memory from last night.

I kissed Laurens head and slowly got out of bed With the sheet wrapped around my body. I walked up the spiral staircase and looked through the water at all of the beautiful ocean life. The deep blues of some of the fish followed by the bright yellow and orange were so beautiful against the deep water. I walked into the kitchen and opened the cupboards and grabbed out a box of Jasmine yea. I filled up the tea pot with water and sat it on the stove. I held onto the sheet tighter and relaxed against the counter remembering how wonderful last night was. To be honest I didn't know if I could go through with it with Lauren. Brad always seems to pop up in my mind every time She kisses me or touches me. I don't mean to think of him but it's a sensor in your body that screams when someone is with you immediately. What Lauren doesn't see is the point of depression and anxiety that still lapses over after something happens. The content fear of them being around the corner or the hesitancy to trust someone. The nightmare's and the stories that replay in my head will last forever and there is no way they will ever leave. After someone takes you most vulnerable thing from you you want to disappear. You feel like you are worthless and all you are good for is a quick lay and I can't help but think that maybe that's all Lauren sees me as now.

The kettle whistles it's high pitched song and I take it off of the stove and pour it into a small cup followed by one bag of the Jasmine tea. I walk to the half way point down the stairs and sat  in the large bay window and look out at the ocean. All of the things that run through my mind make me feel worse about my self or worse about the situation I am in. I sipped on my tea and played with the rim of my cup till I felt a hand on my shoulder and I quickly flinch away but turn to see Lauren standing beside me in her boxers and bra.

"You look like your deep in thought." She said and I sighed and looked back into the deep ocean.

"Yeah." I whispered and I felt Lauren grab the sheet and sit under it with me. She pulled my cool body against her own and kissed the top of my head.

"Would you like to share what's going through that head of yours?" She asked and I quickly shook my head no.

"No not at all." I said and Lauren held on to my tea cup lapping her hand over mine.

"When your ready to talk I'm here, you don't have to hide things from me." She said and I smiled at her and nodded once.

"I know." Lauren rubbed my bear arm up and down in a slow movement while rocking my body from side to side.

"Would you like to stay here all day or would you like to confirm the beautiful hike I have planned?" Lauren asked and I turned towards her and smiled.

"You planned a hike. Who does that, most people just go." I laughed and Lauren shrugged.

"Well most people don't pay to keep the trail clear so she and her wife can have privetcy." Lauren said and I laughed and looked at her.

"And what does my wife think she is going to get by doing that?" I laughed and Lauren shrugged and looked into my eyes.

"Nothing. I just want to be able to have fun with you." She said and I smiled up at her.

"I love you." I said and kissed her lips.

"Trust me when I say I love you more." Lauren and I sat in the window for a while but soon ended up in the shower and things got heated. Before I knew what was happening Lauren had my front pushed against the wall And I was screaming in pleasure as she thrusted inside of me. Lauren had one of my hands wrapped in hers and she would squeeze it as a sign to make sure I was ok. The stretch was still painful but the spots she would hit made my stomach do back flips. Lauren reached around the front of me and quickly rubbed my sensitive nub. I fell backwards into her arms and exploded. I held on to Lauren as she continued to fastly pump into me making my orgasm last longer and my body more sensitive. A few seconds later Lauren connected our body's in one last thrust and came for the second time in twenty four hours. Lauren held on to my body and flipped me around so my back was now pinned against the wall. She sucked on my neck and out of no where the flash of Brad came back from the night he pinned me against the wall and did the same. I pushed Lauren back and she almost fell from the force. I grabbed a towel and quickly ran out of the bathroom and down the hall to the other one. I slammed the door shut and slid down the back of it. I will never be able to commit to Lauren as long as I'm still thinking of Brad.

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