Chapter 2: Let's Play Hide and Seek

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(A look at your faves, Marco Diaz, and Star Butterfly)

A boy and a girl were walking down the street, headed towards home.

"Ah, long day! I finally get to rest!" The boy yelled with relief, stretching his arms.

"Marco, do you know what day it is after tomorrow?" The girl giggled.

"SATURDAY!!!" They both screamed simultaneously.

"Okay, okay, so what do you plan to do?" she asked enthusiastically.

"Uhm.. Hide and seek to the death?"
"Perfect! I'll give you a clue—I'll hide first in your parent's room!"

"Star, no!" Marco's voice cracked."Don't you dare, Star... like, ever."

"Marco, but why? Don't be such a worry wart! I'll clean it on time if we make a mess out of it, I promise!"

"No, Star, it's not that.." Marco frowned,"It's just that.."—his expression turned grim—"The last time I tried to look inside, I got caught. They—my parents warned me to never look or enter their room. They say it's... How did they put it? Ah, off limits."

They were a few steps away from the Diaz household already.

"Well, nothing's ever off-limits for Star Butterfly!" Star said, determined,"Whatever they're hiding, I'M gonna find out what it is!"

"When they're home," Marco supplied.

"When they're home!" Star copied.

"Still no, Star, still no."

"Let's goooooooo!!" Star yelled, lunging into the house, yanking Marco's hand with her.

"Star, nooooooooooooooo!!!" Marco complained.

"Hi, children!" Mrs. Diaz greeted as they entered, "What are you—"

"No time, Mrs. Diaz!" Star shushed,"I have some finding to do!"

When they reached the top of the stairs, they were both breathing heavily.

Star tucked a loose hair strand behind her ear and tried to catch her breath.

"Well, go on, Marco," Star coaxed, "Go on, Marco, open the door."

Marco reluctantly reached for it."Uh, Star, I really don't think—"

"Go on, go on!"

Marco flexed his wrists hesitantly. "I-I'm sorry, Star. I-I can't."

"Well, Wild Man, I have to say—"

"CHILDREN!" a voice called, making them jump.

"Um, mom, HI!" Marco yelled back hurriedly, "We're-we're home!"

"Yeah, I noticed!" The voice yelled back, "Now, come down here! It's time for dinner."

Star drilled her eyes into Marco. "Well, Marco. You were saved by your safety and your mom's always - on-time 'tude! Lucky you."

"Well," Marco began with his retort, "At least—"

"BUT!" Star warned, "We will scavenge on Saturday, you get me? And I'm definitely not taking no for an answer."

"Y-yes ma'am," Marco agreed reluctantly.

Battle Of The Wand, A Star Vs. The Forces Of Evil Fanfiction Book 1 [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now