Chapter 31

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Guys, guys, guys. Some of you might be wondering, Why am I not entitling any of my chapters? Well, let's see. Wattpad has been messing with my 45-chapter (other) story, and every chapter had a title. My table of contents got ka-splattered all around, and I couldn't find a way to put them all together. So, there you have it!


"Ugh, this is as disgusting as cleaning my dad's bathroom!" Cady complained as they waded throught the dirty trash-- not to mention all the horrible smells they were encountering at the moment.

"Just live with it, black belt," Marco teased.
"I'm not a black belt," Cady grumbled."I'm a platinum belt."
"Platinum belt? But I thought--"
"You earthlings have a different karate system from demons, okay? Let's go."

The teens found a trapdoor big enough for a person to climb up in. They climbed up, clinging to the rusting, slimy metal ladder.

"It's the throne room!" Marco gasped, "I can't believe it!! We're here!"
"I know, right?" Cady said excitedly."And the dimensional scissors are located here, and--"
Out of the corner of her eye, two arrows were accurately shot at both of them. One was labeled "Memory Wipe," and the other was labeled "Blackout."

Before she could even react, she felt a sharp pain shoot up her spine, and she blacked out. Right before she collapsed to the ground, she saw Marco growling in pain.

•~Who Knows How Long It Took Cady to Wake Up..~•

Cady woke up in a dimly lit room. Her back was aching, and her hands were splintered with small cuts and was caked in dust and mud.
She sighed."Imprisoned. Again."
Then she remembered what happened. She frantically looked around for Marco. "Marco? Marco!"

Suddenly, she spotted someone standing in the shadows. "M-marco??" She stuttered.
"Who are you, and how do you know my name?" An angry voice grumbled.

Marco stepped out of the shadows, and Cady felt like daggers were being buried into her chest. Marco looked completely different. He wasn't the safe kid we knew anymore.

His hair had grown into a "bad boy" mess, and the once neat ends of his jeans were torn. He had a sword strapped to his back, and several daggers strapped to his jeans. He wore black leather combat boots, a dirty white (not the color dirty white) T-shirt, a skull ring around his index finger, and a red hoodie tied around his waist.

"Marco," Cady called,"Wh-why are you--"
"Who are you?" He snarled,"Did Toffee send you? Or do I have to kill you?"
Cady searched her jeans desperately for a dagger, or a sword-- any weapon! Marco smiled deviously, and clearly, he was amused.

He snapped his fingers and daggers flicked into view. He raised an eyebrow at her."I guess I do have to kill you."
"Wh-what??! B-but I--"

"Oh, don't worry," Marco reassured her, and he was coming in close now."This is going to be fun."

Well, another cliffhanger, plus, I need to sleep already.. It's 10 pm already!!! :/ So anyway.. Enjoy!!

Battle Of The Wand, A Star Vs. The Forces Of Evil Fanfiction Book 1 [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now