Chapter 24

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"Ah, the twins of Mewni are awake," A voice said.
Star and Comet turned to see Toffee, in a fine tuxedo with a glass of unicorn blood in his hand.

"Toffee," Star snarled, "What do you want from me? I TOLD you, my wand is not for sale."
"I don't wand your wand," Toffee hissed.

"Wh-what??" Star said, confused.
"At least not yet," Toffee continued,"I need you. Fighting on my side, along with Comet Butterfly and Maria Diaz!!"
"Who-who's Maria Diaz??" Comet stuttered.

"I don't think you want to know," Toffee muttered.
"We don't want to know? Or you don't want us to know?" Star snapped, "You know what? I THINK I know."
"Maria is NONE of your business, I assure you," Toffee growled. "I was supposed to take both the Diaz children!! Those parents came at the wrong time!"

"Who-who is she??" Comet said, a little more demanding now.
Both the Diaz children, Star thought.
"Hey Toffee!" Star called, making Toffee turn around. "Were they twins??"

Toffee's eyes widened. "H-how did you--"
"You messed with the wrong set of people, Toffee," Star growled, "And Comet? I think I know who she is."
"Who?" Comet asked, desperate for answers.
"Since Toffee is after this girl Cady, and she's only one.." Star thought out loud, "She must be one of the Diaz children."
"And?" Comet demanded.

"My.. my best friend, Marco, found out he has a twin. And he's a Diaz."
"And so?"
"Cady Grace is Maria Diaz, Marco's twin."

BOOM. CLIFFHANGAH. But I won't leave you there, of course. I'll continue the story. Right here, right now.


Marco and Cady emerged from the other side of the portal in midair, and fell on a horribly-paved road.

"Ow," Marco muttered."This isn't Mewni OR your dad's castle. Where are we?!"
Cady's eyes widened with horror."I know where we are. So much for being the boss, Green Belt. We need to hide, right now!!"
Suddenly, the ground rumbled.

Cady looked around."Quick! In that cave!"

The two teens ran into the cave and ducked between the large boulders and peeked outside. Large armies of masked creatures and marched in perfect synchronization.

Cady slid down the wall of the cave, and shivered nervously.
Marco knit his eyebrows."Why are you so.. afraid?"
Cady stared at Marco as if he were the dumbest person she had ever met."Don't you know WHERE we are, you bossy little mudrat??!"

"Ouch, that comment hurt, and no. I don't know. Mind telling me?"
Casy sighed. "This is Xandaria, Marco. Land of the Man-Eaters."

Sheesh! I just couldn't stand not making a cliffhanger. Hahahaha, I love ya guys.

Battle Of The Wand, A Star Vs. The Forces Of Evil Fanfiction Book 1 [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now