Chapter 28

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"Star? Staaar??" A voice echoed.
Star opened her eyes. "M-m-marco? Why are you--NOOOO, NOOOOOOO!!"
Marco was lying on the floor eyes open, barely breathing, and bleeding severely. "Star, what have you done?"

Everything faded away and Star sat bolt upright, sweating and breathing heavily. "AAAAAHHH! MARCOOO!" She screamed.
"What? What is it, Star?" Comet said, running to Star.
Star started sobbing."Marco--he's--he's--"
"Shh," Conet hushed,"It was just a dream. Just a --"

"I need to get out of here!" Star said."They won't SURVIVE in Xandaria!!"
"You wish to get out?" A voice rasped. It was the seer. "I MAY help you with that. But do NOT tell Toffee."

"Why should we trust you?" Star said angrily,"It's your fault that Toffee is updated with everything we do!"

"Because I built Toffee up," The seer said calmly,"And I can also break him down."


But srsly. I love you guys. ;)

Battle Of The Wand, A Star Vs. The Forces Of Evil Fanfiction Book 1 [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now