Chapter 20

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Cady already started going to school, even if Comet did bail on her. Of course she didn't care that much, coz she knew that royal bloods like him couldn't survive on their own, much less fend for themselves.

She regretted her decisions to go to school when she realized she was in the same class as the green belt boy Marco and his over enthusiastic friend Star, who happened to be her best friend's twin.

Then she saw her real stepbrother walk in the room, Tom. Toffee forced her to think that Tom was her real brother, and she always said she knew that, although deep inside she knew something was wrong.

She couldn't stand up to Toffee before, even if she lived or sometimes trained with Tom in his fiery realm.

Snapping back to reality, she realized the whole school was already frozen, most probably, and only she was unaffected. She witnessed everything. From Star mourning over something, to her being abducted by Tom.

She realized that Tom didn't know she was here, and so did Toffee, or else Toffee would have asked Tom to let his henchmen tag along. Tom had sliced a portal, but that portal would take almost thirty minutes to close, knowing from her past experiences.

And somehow she had a feeling that Comet was trapped or in danger. In her dad's castle. She took a deep breath, and looked around the classroom. She hardly knew anyone here. Then, she spotted a face she had never hoped to see.

She grinned like an idiot and mittered under her breath, "There you are, Green Belt."

Battle Of The Wand, A Star Vs. The Forces Of Evil Fanfiction Book 1 [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now