Chapter 32

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Toffee glanced at the seer's crystal ball, where Cady--Maria was stuck in a prison cell with (new and.. improved??) Marco.

"Finally," He muttered under his breath.


Star knew Toffee was starting to taunt her."Ugh, it's hopeless! We'll never get out of here!!"
Comet paced back and forth in the huge glass cage."I-I can't live like this!!"
"Patience, Mewmen. Patience," The seer muttered.
Comet pointed the tip of his sword at the seer, but the seer did nothing but stare."Patience. PATIENCE? PATIENCE is something I DON'T have, and will NEVER have!!!"

"Wh-why can't you just let us out??" Star groaned impatiently.
"I cannot become involved with my own predictions," The seer replied,"A curse I have suffered since the dawn of time."

"PLEASE let us out!" Star and Comet begged,"Please please please please--"
"I CANNOT!!" The seer roared, then calmed down."I'm sorry. I can only teach you how. But it will take the greatest courage. One of you has to step up and tell the other your greatest secret."
"Once you have done so, it will take a little while to open the glass cage. Remember, the glass cage responds to secrets and urgency. I know how the cage was made, and I know how to destroy it."

Comet's face started beading with sweat. "D-do you have any s-secrets, S-s-star??"
"Nope!" Star said,"I'm all out of secrets."
"Why are you so nervous? You could just whisper it in my ear, and--"
"NO! I-I can't. I'm sorry."
"Is it about.. me?"

Star felt her face heating up. She thought she knew exactly what Comet meant. She thought Comet liked her. But.. you do know that's not true, right? (*ahem*Yes*ahem*)

"Look.. Is there anything I--"
"Well, I.."
"Just tell--"
"Look," Comet started,"This is.. the only big secret I ever got to keep, and I'n gonna share it with you."
"Okay.. Faster!! I don't have--"
"You're my twin."
"I don't have all day, plus Marco needs my--Wait, WHAT??!"
"You're my twin, okay? Our parents kept us apart for.. I don't even KNOW how long!! Now, we need to get out of--"
"YOU? But you never TOLD me!!"
"Star, I--"
"Rubber Ball Bla---"
"DON'T even think about it," Comet snarled,"I knew you wouldn't accept it openly."
"Comet, I-I.. I'm so--"

"Hello, Mewmen," A new voice interrupted.
Star expected it to be Toffee."Oh what now, Tof--"
"I'm not Toffee."
"MARCO??! What HAPPENED to you??!" Comet said in shock.
Marco jammed the tip of his sword on the ground, and leaned on the hilt."Nothing has HAPPENED. I've always been like this."
Star couldn't think of anything to say."But, Marco, I--"
"By the way, I have a little surprise for you." Marco said, pulling someone out of the shadows.

Comet backed away in shock."M-marco?? I'M GOING TO KILL YOU FOR THIS!!!"

Battle Of The Wand, A Star Vs. The Forces Of Evil Fanfiction Book 1 [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now