Chapter 15

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A/N: Hey guys!! Soo.. I'm using my Iphone right now, so I don't really know how to make this part "bolder", since I'm kinda new to this "technology." Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy!! Ohh so that's how i make it bold.. Never mind, now I know!! Lol.


"*yawns* Good morning Marco!", Star yawned, then a look of confusion spread on her face. Marco looked TERRIBLE. "Marco, did you even SLEEP last night?!"
Marco rubbed his poofy red eyes, "I guess.."
"Hey!", Star said, snapping her fingers loudly, "Is there anything wrong??"
"Star, I put them in the fridge!", Marco snapped.
"Ok, Marco. Something is DEFINITELY wrong here."

Marco collapsed on the sofa, groaning, and buried his face on a pillow. "I can't sleep, Star. I-I've been thinking about my so-called 'twin' lately, and I--"
"There we go again, Safe Kid. ALWAYS worrying. Stop it! You'll stop topping all your classes in school. Plus, you're kind of already ignoring what I'm saying!"

Star pulled out a carton of milk and a box of cereal, and placed them on the table. "Besides, it's a Sunday today! Just fly. Be free! Think of.. other stuff."
Marco muttered, "Like my twin?"
"Ugh, Marco!", Star grumbled, "Breathe."

"No," Marco said, sitting up all of a sudden, "I'm gonna go twin-hunting. No matter WHAT you do, I will search."
"Wh-why is your twin so important anyway?! You don't even know if she's alive! You'd do so much better if you laid back and fight monsters and go to other dimensions with me!"
"With you.." Marco repeated, then shook his head. "No, Star. I'm not letting this go."
"Why is it so important anyway?", Star shrieked, tears stinging her eyes.

"Star, I.. Star, she's family. She'll be the only one who'll understand me!"
"Why? Am I not part of your family? Don't I understand you??"
"Star, I--"
"Look, if you want to find your twin so much, then maybe you should just leave! I can handle Ludo alone, I always have! I'm going to Oskar."
"Oskar doesn't even LIKE you. I hate his music, and you love it. I don't know what you see in his music OR him, but I know that I don't like it," Marco muttered, then realized what he just said.

Star was practically sobbing now. What is this feeling? She asked herself, It doesn't..feel good.. Then, Star did something she never thought she would do: she pointed her wand right at Marco.

Marco backed away from her. "Star, what are you--"
Star took a deep breath, and yelled at the top of her lungs, "Rainbow BLAST!!"

I just LOVE cliffhangers. (cue evil villain music) MUHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHA!!! But seriously, I love ya guys ;)

Battle Of The Wand, A Star Vs. The Forces Of Evil Fanfiction Book 1 [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now