Chapter 8

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'Zup dudes! Today I'll be writing this chapter in pure boredom, since today is a quiet 5:30 pm on a FRIDAY. I'm gonna take my awesomest "big break", so I'll see you bookworms tomorrow!

Marco and Star

"Ooh, Marco, look!!", Star exclaimed, picking up some glowing jellybeans and sticking them on the wall.
"Star! Stop disturbing me!", Marco said, "I know you're my best friend, but all friends have breaking points, okay? Just-kust keep quiet for a moment while I decipher the codes her on the map."
"Sure thing, Mr. Diaz!"
"The way you say that sounds more horrible than Safe Kid or Wild Man," Marco muttered, then he spotted a lever and reached for it.

"I wouldn't touch that," A voice from the shadows interrupted, making Marco jump."Nice to see you again, green belt."
Marco winced."Cady Grace. What's up, Earthling?"
"Don't call me that!", Cady sneered, "I don't belong to your... kind.."
"What do you mean 'My kind'? Aren't YOU of the same kind?"

"Foolish earthling," Cady muttered, "You humans act like you know everything. Firstly, I am not like you. Secondly, I am an outlaw from Mewni. Most wanted, by the way."
"M-marco!", Star stuttered nervously,"You - you're t-talking t-to a--a--a--"
"Mewman outlaw?", Cady supported, casually twirling her sharp dagger."Yeah, I get that a lot. And I guess you're used to being called a princess."

"So.. There are a lot of outlaws in Mewni?", Marco said, breaking the fight.
"Oh, a few thousand," Cady smirked, "And by the way, that wand of yours? "---she looked ready for an insult---"It's very--"
"Cady!", Another voice warned, "Mind your manners. You're talking to a princess."

It was the boy named Comet, the one who deflected Star's spell like it was nobody's business.
"You were saved by my best friend, mortal," Cady snarled distastefully at Star, "I hope I won't see you for long.."
"Oh, you won't, alright," Star grumbled, balling her fists, "You won't."

Deep inside, Star was thinking about the blonde boy in front of him. He looked very familiar. The memory was at the back of her brain, waiting to be uncovered. Unfortunately, her curiosity took over and she pulled Comet aside.

"Hey, you!", She called, "You look familiar.. Do I know you?"
The boy started sweating like hell."W-what?? O-of course not! We just m-met, remember?"
Comet immediately grabbed Cady's hand."Cady, we need to go, like, right now."

And they ran away faster than a cheetah on roller skates (to be honest, I've never seen an actual cheetah on roller skates but still.. why not?).
"Hey!", Star roared, "Hey, Comet, I'm not through with you yet!! Mark my words, dude, I'm gonna---"
"Star," Marco interrupted, "I hate to ruin your moment, but.. I found the chargers. It's a few blocks away from the booby trap section, like where they're going to."

"Well, good!", Star said, hands planted on her hips, "My talk with.. with that BOY isn't over yet!"

Woohoo! A zapping 506 words! In your FACE, keyboard! Muhahahahahahaha!
Ahem, sorry, I got a bit carried away back there."

Battle Of The Wand, A Star Vs. The Forces Of Evil Fanfiction Book 1 [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now